Canva Improves Personalization and Efficiency with Composable CDP Using Census and Snowflake

Canva Improves Personalization and Efficiency with Composable CDP Using Census and Snowflake

Data Platform (CDP) with Snowflake Marketing Data Cloud to operationalize ML propensity models and deliver personalized campaigns at scale.

The Composable CDP helped Canva’s marketers unlock a unified Customer 360 in the Marketing Data Cloud. This allows them to create new marketing audiences in 5 minutes, achieve 33% higher email open rates, and save USD 200k annually on engineering costs.

The collaboration between Census and Snowflake enables ease of use, unparalleled security and governance, and exceptional customer experiences, driving remarkable ROI.

Read More : Canva Revolutionizes Personalization at Scale with Census in the Snowflake Marketing Data Cloud

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