Australia Filed a Lawsuit against Facebook for User Data Breach

Australia, Facebook, social media giant, Data breach, user data, Cambridge Analytica, Australian Information Commissioner, Federal Court, Angelene Falk, This Is Your Digital Life, Lawsuit
Australia Filed a Lawsuit against Facebook for User Data Breach

The Australian privacy regulator has recently sued Facebook for sharing personal details of 311,127 users’ without their knowledge to the political consultant, Cambridge Analytica. It was found that the fine would amount to A$529 billion, provided that court awards the maximum for the 311,127 instances. Facebook disclosed the user data for political profiling via a survey product titled, ‘This Is Your Digital Life’.

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A lawsuit was filed in the Federal Court, where the Australian Information Commissioner, Angelene Falk, summons the tech giant of breaching privacy. She mentioned, “The design of the Facebook platform meant that users were unable to exercise reasonable choice and control about how their personal information was disclosed.”

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