A Russian Court Fines Facebook and Telegram for Failing to Remove Banned Content from Their Platforms

A Russian Court Fines Facebook and Telegram for Failing to Remove Banned Content from Their Platforms

Russian authorities have fined Facebook and Telegram for failing to remove prohibited content, a move that could be part of a larger government push to tighten control over social media platforms amid political opposition.

Facebook was fined 17 million rubles and Telegram was fined 10 million rubles by a Moscow court. It’s unclear what kind of content the platforms didn’t manage to remove.

Roskomnadzor, Russia’s state communications watchdog, began slowing down Twitter earlier this year and threatened it with a ban, citing the company’s apparent failure to remove inappropriate content. Officials claimed that the platform failed to delete materials that encouraged youngsters to commit suicide as well as information about drugs and child pornography.

To Read More: marketwatch

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