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Adams Street Partners , Sapphire Ventures , Digital Transformation , Retail

Adams Street Partners and Sapphire Ventures Lead $40M Investment in Punchh to Power Digital...

Punchh, the leader in customer marketing solutions for physical retailers, announced it has raised $40 million in a Series C funding round led by Adams...
AI, artificial intelligence, website, development, improve,CTO, CMO

3 Top Ways AI Is Impacting Website Development

With the increasing usage of AI, the applications on Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI) are also seeing an upswing.   Including Artificial Intelligence (AI) during the...
People.ai , Enterprise Sales Prospecting, Revenue Intelligence

People.ai Accelerates Enterprise Sales Prospecting and Forecasting with Their Latest Revenue Intelligence Release

People.ai, creators of the Revenue Intelligence System™ powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), unveiled new capabilities focused on intelligent pipeline generation, prospecting, and forecasting. Fortune...
CloudEngage, Chord Chat

CloudEngage Deploys Major New Enhancements to Chord Chat

CloudEngage, the world's most intuitive web personalization platform, has announced significant enhancements to the Chord chat system. "Because our chat offering is integrated into the...
Digital ads

Real-Time Insight and Real-Time Action in SEO: Automation Bridging the Gap

The SEO community is on the cusp of a massive shift, one that is already changing the way search is approached. As automation has...
CloudEngage , Lifetime Subscription , Analytics , Audience Segmentation

CloudEngage to Offer Free Lifetime Subscription to Powerful Analytics and Audience Segmentation Tools

CloudEngage, the world's most intuitive web personalization platform, has announced that organizations that install AIM by year-end 2019 will enjoy a free lifetime subscription. "There...
MessageGears, AMP, Email support, dynamic content, Gmail inboxes, Email marketing platform, email engagement

MessageGears rolls out AMP for Email support

Email marketing platform MessageGears will now provide support for Google’s AMP for Email. Customers will be able to include interactive AMP components within their...
Digital Marketing, Marketers, Sales, Marketing Culture, Chat Marketing, Personalization, Jason Swenk, Mari Smith, Advertising, Molly Mohoney, Prepared Performer

10 Smart Tips to Multiply Online Conversions in 2020

Digital marketing in 2020 will be prominently multi-channel focusing on omnipresence and personalization. Firms need to smartly concentrate on digital marketing to establish a...
e-commerce, Content Marketing, Marketing, Content, Answer the Public, CEO, CMO

Top 5 Content Marketing Strategies for e-Commerce

Customers coming on e-commerce websites are not ready to buy – yet. Right now, they are simply comparing, browsing options and – most importantly...
Marketing, Digital Transformation

The 5 New Ps of Marketing That Drive Digital Transformation- The Power of Personal...

Being market ready for a digital transformation strategy means going beyond the traditional 5 Ps that the last few decades swore by. The original...

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