Home News ZingFront Establishes Partnership with NetEase Games

ZingFront Establishes Partnership with NetEase Games

The strategic partnership aims to drive games marketing with AD tech

ZingFront has formed a strategic alliance with NetEase Games to drive games marketing with AD tech. The two companies have established a co-operation to realize efficient development in-game marketing jointly.

In the last five years, the cost of acquiring new customers in the mobile game market has increased by over 250%. In a competition, developers and studios vying for greater user traffic must pay closer attention to productivity tools and UA strategies.

ZingFront builds software that has been leveraged by companies like Google, Baidu, TikTok, etc. This is the tool for ad creations with capabilities to create Cinemagraph ads, 3D Video ads, and playable ads. It generates ads with just a click and only takes a few seconds to complete ads with high quality, high performance, and low cost.

SocialPeta- an ad Creation and Marketing Intelligence service- activates NetEase Games to acquire creative information from the game marketing field, making creative advertising more influencing and efficient

“ZingFront’s intelligent solution helps our clients to generate insights and creative ideas for advertising. We are planning to provide a marketing tech platform in the future,” says ZingFront CEO Xiuwen Zhao.

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