Working Solutions Hiring 1,000s for Holidays

Working Solutions, contact center outsourcing, on-demand, business process solutions, customer care

Holiday hiring in 2018 dropped 6.4% from 2017, according to a recent report published in Retail Dive, and indications are that trend will hold for the 2019 hiring season. Most experts cite the rise of e-commerce for the stagnation.

Countering the trend is Working Solutions, a recognized leader in on-demand, onshore contact center outsourcing. The company announced it is seeking more than 4,000 independent, work-from-home agents to serve the holiday demands of its retail, travel and consumer services clients and their customers.

“Demand has never been higher,” said Kim Houlne, Working Solutions founder and chief executive. “Our sales-and-service agents meet needs driven by more online shoppers. And the beauty of our holiday hires is that these seasonal positions can translate into longer-term positions, meeting consumer needs year-round.”

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