Will personalization’s role in marketing shrink as challenges grow?

Marketers, personalization, data collection, anti-tracking, Gartner, social media ads

Eighty percent of marketers will drop personalization efforts by 2025, according to a report from research firm Gartner, “Predicts 2020: Marketers, They’re Just Not That Into You.” The key reasons cited for why marketers could retreat from personalization are a lack of ROI and difficulties with managing customer data.

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The report says 27% of marketers feel data is the main obstacle to effective personalization because of issues with data collection, integration, and protection. Other factors negatively impacting the appeal of personalization as a tactic include a decline in customer trust, increased scrutiny by regulators and anti-tracking efforts by browsers and others.

Meanwhile, the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) chose “personalization” as its marketing word of the year. Questions from members on personalization started to ramp up in 2018 and accelerated in 2019, the organization said.

Source: https://www.marketingdive.com/news/will-personalizations-role-in-marketing-shrink-as-challenges-grow/568607/

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