Walmart and Wholescale Establish Official Ratings & Reviews Partnership


Wholescale is pleased to announce its partnership with Walmart Inc. to syndicate authentic ratings & reviews to the world’s largest retailer. The official partnership comes amidst record growth for Wholescale in 2023.

Wholescale’s proprietary technology prioritizes authentic reviews for shoppers, while offering advanced solutions for suppliers. The syndication partnership demonstrates Walmart’s commitment to enriching customers’ shopping experiences and offering cutting-edge technologies and platform-choice to suppliers.

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“Suppliers and sellers can now serve shoppers and Walmart merchants in the most efficient manner,” said David Rapps, President of Wholescale. “Suppliers spend exorbitant fees on incentivized and sampled reviews that shoppers tend to distrust, so Wholescale and Walmart naturally aligned to execute this partnership. Suppliers and sellers are excited about how seamlessly Wholescale’s authentic reviews platform integrates into Walmart’s ecosystem. I applaud the Walmart and Wholescale teams for their excellent collaboration and execution.”

Wholescale’s vast experience building successful consumer brands through authentic reviews epitomizes the profound impact reviews have on shoppers’ brand loyalty and purchase behavior. Wholescale’s technology has been adopted by multiple Walmart Supplier of the Year award winners as well as leading brands and suppliers across the retail landscape.

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