Voxco Survey Software launches free website satisfaction tool for businesses of all sizes to measure customer experience online

Voxco Survey Software launches free website satisfaction tool for businesses of all sizes to measure customer experience online
  • Businesses can download the free survey tool and be up and running in minutes
  • Platform allows for businesses of all sizes to gather important insights and key performance indicators in order to drive website conversions

Voxco survey software announced today the launch of a free website satisfaction survey tool for businesses of all sizes to measure customer experience online and gather insights from the voice of the customer. The tool is completely free to use and offers companies the ability to gather critical customer data in order to better understand; visitor intent, task completion, customer effort, customer satisfaction and net promoter scores.

“Most websites convert in the low single digits.” said Jonathan Levitt, Chief Marketing Officer at Voxco. “We want to give people the ability to understand the ‘why’ behind conversion and supply them with the key performance indicators required to really move the needle. By listening to the voice of the customer and understanding what’s working and what isn’t, website owners can improve the experience and drive higher outcome measures”.

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