Home News Startup develops tool to manage the new metric of success-customer satisfaction

Startup develops tool to manage the new metric of success-customer satisfaction

The Federal Government recently published a strategy to facilitate agreements between companies and consumers since “Consumer actions represent more than 10% of the country’s processes, which corresponds to about 10 million cases “. Losing time to file a lawsuit is one of the biggest demonstrations of indignation that a customer can give and respond to in court is one of the biggest losses of time, money and reputation for companies.

Of course, the grounds for complaint are diverse, but many outcomes of dissatisfaction could be avoided. Startup BTen starts from the premise that companies are missing the key to relationships, which is communication. Studies by Philip Kotler (father of Marketing) demonstrate that “of the customers who file a complaint, between 54% and 70% will return to do business with the company if their complaints are resolved. The percentage reaches an astonishing 95% if they feel they have been answered quickly ” . With the fast pace of life people want quick solutions and here we are really talking about solutions and not just automatic responses from robots. People want to feel that they are really heard and valued.

Many managers have spent time and money on strategies that are not effective because they have not understood the complexity of their clients. No marketing studies or administrative technique are able to answer what the client thinks assertively, since the client, as a complex human being, is constantly changing and influencing. Consumers are increasingly demanding and willing to value products and services that satisfy their expectations or provide a service that, instead of generating stress, increases well-being.

Partner Afonso Neto explains that “With the simple continuous sending of satisfaction surveys, it is possible to understand, among other things, what does not please new customers or what small changes could be implemented that would significantly increase the level of satisfaction or repurchase of recurring customers” .

The BTen was born the idea of value communication by automating the dispatch of assessment requests, meeting different needs with customization options. It is possible to follow everything in real time or create alerts to provide faster service when receiving negative evaluations, responding to the client through the platform itself. When a review is positive, the system encourages the client to share publicly, collaborating to increase online reputation and generating competitive advantage.

The dissatisfied customer always finds some way to share his indignation. Before, consumer experiences were shared with close people, today posts and evaluations on social networks multiply the reach of the consumer’s voice. On the other hand, hardly a satisfied customer is looking for ways to share their satisfaction on the internet alone. This combination and the lack of communication have tarnished the online reputation of many companies.

Data from BrightLocal confirm that “86% of consumers read local business reviews” on the internet and “85% trust them as much as friends” . Vinícius Santos, one of the partners, felt the effects of online reputation in one of his businesses in the United States. “The quality of my products is excellent, but my competitor drew more attention because he had a greater amount of reviews on the internet” . With the pilot of the system in one month, the number of reviews on Google achieved in five years was achieved. Response rates in the United States by SMS stood at 40%.

When applying the MVP (minimum viable product) in Brazil the company was faced with the challenge of increasing the response rate of the Brazilian by implementing the sending of a satisfaction survey by WhatsApp as a differential, since most of the existing surveys in Brazil are for e -mail and sms. The response rates for Whatsapp reached 65%. “We have received several positive feedback from our customers, people are often surprised to receive an evaluation request. Recently one of our customers shared that he was happy to receive a new customer he met and chose the establishment through the reviews he read in his searches on Google ” says Afonto Neto.

The BTen is one of the few certified companies to develop software with the methodology ®NPS (Net Promoter Score) which is a metric used to measure the degree of loyalty and customer satisfaction proposed by Fred Reichheld in 2003 in his article in the Harvard Business Review titled : ” The only number you need to increase “. Since then, NPS has taken on an immense proportion, and today it is used by more than half of the select group of the 1000 largest American companies .

From 0 to 10 how likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague? A simple question based on a consolidated study with proven results, ®NPS is the new metric that large companies are striving to analyze.

Companies are born to deliver a product or service to a customer, but most do not listen to that customer. Sharing the experience of a satisfied customer is the tip of the ice Berg for a company that values ​​the perceptions of its audience and has the clarity to direct strategies and effective investments to this audience.

With a solution for a need that ranges from small to large companies, the expectation is to reach a turnover of R $ 2 million in 2020 . Partner Samuel Pereira concludes that “every day companies are losing sales without knowing how to measure why while others have already realized that sending satisfaction surveys is the most assertive way to understand their customers and create connections that increase the rates of: satisfaction, repurchase, and consequently generate more profit “.