Spurred by Customer Demand, Lumus Announces Two New Products Based on Unique 2D Reflective Waveguide Architecture

Spurred by Customer Demand_ Lumus Announces Two New Products Based on Unique 2D Reflective Waveguide Architecture-01

Lumus, the pioneering developer of reflective waveguide technology for augmented reality (AR) eyewear, announced today that it is introducing two new products to meet the immediate and growing mass-market demand created by the eagerly-awaited metaverse. Spurred by the success of its Maximus 2D expansion waveguide display launched just 18 months ago, Lumus is expanding its Maximus line to meet specific customer demands for mass production of AR glasses that will be priced for the consumer market.

Augmented reality is essential to entering and enjoying the metaverse, especially when users step outside into sunlight. As the metaverse becomes an everyday reality for consumers, the AR industry must be ready to meet a dramatic increase in demand for smart eyewear. Along with its key supply chain partners, Lumus has already co-developed mass manufacturing processes for two distinct AR products in parallel based on the initial Maximus waveguide:

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Maximus 1080P

The first optical engine is designed for smart glasses resembling ordinary eyeglasses  and meant to be worn all day, every day, featuring:

  • 40° field of view
  • >4,000 nits
  • 1080 pixel resolution
  • 12 mm x 12 mm eye box
  • 16:9 aspect ratio

Maximus 14402P

The second optical engine (also designed for a smart glasses form factor) has a more immersive field of view and features:

  • 50° field of view
  • >3,000 nits
  • 14402 pixel resolution
  • 12 mm x 12 mm eye box
  • 1:1 aspect ratio for more immersion

Both products share the advantages of 2D reflective waveguide architecture exclusive to Lumus: brightness that performs well even outdoors in full sunlight, a distortion-free image with unparalleled battery efficiency, and uniform color producing a true white. The multi-patented reflective waveguide architecture uses the simplicity of partially reflective mirrors to direct light from a micro projector with almost no forward light leakage.

“The 2D Maximus waveguide technology is mature and producible in mass quantities. Expanding our Maximus product family today reflects the increasing demand for a diverse range of specifications for AR wearables that will enhance the user experience,” notes, Lumus CEO, Ari Grobman. “That’s why Lumus is introducing singular products with different micro displays, aspect ratios, and fields of view. We’re customizing our optical technology as specified by our strategic partners for products destined for consumers.”

Lumus will introduce both new optical products within the next year, releasing the Maximus 1080P optical engine first in Q3 2022, followed by the Maximus 14402P optical engine in Q4 2022.

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