Revcontent Launches Industry-First Video Marketplace


Revcontent, leading content discovery platform, unveiled the first-of-its-kind native video marketplace for advertisers. The innovative solution was built in response to high demand from clients, who will now have the ability to upload their own video content, providing them with an additional avenue for open web traffic.

Previously in the native advertising space, video ads were only displayed from third-party sources, leaving advertisers unable to upload and utilize their own video content. The Revcontent Video Marketplace will provide native advertisers with all the benefits of online video, including increased clicks and traffic at a lower cost. Revcontent is focused on creating advertiser-first solutions, and a video marketplace was requested frequently by advertisers and brands.

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Joe Williams, Founder at Version Two Media, said, “We’ve seen short-form video crush it on social throughout 2019 with users spending 5X the amount of time watching a video versus reading static content. We’ve seen first-hand how well video can convert, and Revcontent is opening up this proven medium to advertisers when it doesn’t exist yet in the native market. It’s unveiling a whole new universe of users who may not otherwise engage with static native ads.”

“In 2019, we were honed in on building a solid, modern foundation for the next evolution of our product. In 2020, we’re laser-focused on shaking up the product to better align with modern consumer behaviors, which are largely social these days. Revcontent is evolving the widget from static image ads to dynamic, engaging video content,” said Richard Marques, chief executive officer at Revcontent. “No one else has this ability right now for advertisers to run their own video content on native. We are thrilled to be the first to market with this much-needed offering.”

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Revcontent Video allows advertisers flexibility and new strategies in testing, providing them with a whole new lever to pull to get access to Revcontent’s premium brands and publishers. Tactically, Revcontent advertisers can seamlessly transition video content from other platforms by downloading and uploading them within the Revcontent dashboard. Advertisers can utilize the same file formats as existing video campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, with video lengths ranging from 10-120 seconds.

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