Pinpoint Predictive Thinkalike® Targeting – Beta Program

Pinpoint Predictive

Pinpoint Predictive announced the launch of its Thinkalike® Targeting Beta Program, a service that enables Facebook advertisers to improve the targeting and performance of their Custom Audience campaigns. Beta Program participants will receive a free audience analysis and campaign targeting insights, either via the Pinpoint customer success team or directly via the Shopper Personality app

Ensuring Privacy Gives Competitive Advantage to GDPR Compliant Companies

In company with the Beta Trial, Pinpoint’s first app Shopper Personality app is being recognized starting today as a Shopify Staff Pick. The Pinpoint team is humbled by this honor and thanks to all their great partners at Shopify.

Pinpoint’s Thinkalike® Targeting service enhances Facebook targeting based upon a privacy-safe (GDPR & CCPA compliant) personality-driven analysis of any given Custom Audience used to power lookalike campaigns. The output from Pinpoint are segments of similar psychological traits, each of which can be used as a more congruent Custom Audience upon which Facebook can optimize. This powerful combination can amplify performance and improve return on advertising spend.

How The Clamp Of GDPR And CCPA Can Help Marketers See More Success

The free Beta Program is open to all Shopify merchants interested in improving their Facebook advertising KPIs.

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