Live Streaming Apps – The Best Way to Connect and Intrigue


Even with the best strategy in place, the mode of communication is the most relevant and the most crucial piece, to create the full picture.

Leveraging all new technologies to identify the target audience painstakingly, deciding on the mode of communication for reaching out becomes a key component in the strategy. With the power of real time connect, the best move experts say, would be the  integration of live streaming features that are available in social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The new age exclusive, live streaming apps like Periscope, Bigo Live, etc. are also a smart option. Increasingly global brands are using these to platforms for their brand and strategic marketing communication.

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Live streaming has been around for some time now, especially in sectors like education, customer support, marketing, entertainment and so on. Many big brands across sectors like energy, FMCG and even technology and devices brands- General Electric (GE), Nestle, Samsung to name a few, have already leveraged it to huge advantage. The new medium is far more versatile and gives a huge amount of advantage over the traditional content and media that is fast becoming banal.  In order to carve out differentiators, companies need to have some new and exciting to offer to the customer and hold their attention. Live streaming gives the advantage of much more exciting interactions and versatile conversations.

Today, companies need to use live streaming platforms for spicing up their communication channels. If it’s not a product, it could be a service that is being sold. A live streaming video of an expert who explains why your customer needs your service- is as good as exciting product videos. Live promotions give a definitive advantage of one on one questions for the product or service, which helps build up trust factor for the market. The candid live feedback also helps to strategize for the future campaigns.

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Live streaming platforms throw open the door to live reactions and opinions, user-contributed questions or comments, adding a flavour of engagement to the experience.

Other smart engagements with customers in live mode are during an event or a launch, or a discussion. There live streaming adds immense value to the product communication. At other times brands can create an instant connect if they show their production facilities to prospective customers. GE for instance, has a strategy where they share live streaming of their facilities, inviting customers to see how they function, on Periscope, and shot by a drone that flew over their facilities. This transparency boosts customer engagement and brand connects. A sneak peek into the Google office has made millions across the globe envious of the people who work there, and pushed up their interest in Google products.

A quiet look into another world- is what draws most curiosity, and hence intrigue.

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