Laxis Introduces ChatGPT-like Features To Meeting Conversations

Laxis Introduces ChatGPT-like Features To Meeting Conversations

Today Laxis announced a major update to Laxis, the AI meeting assistant, which now has ChatGPT-like features. The new LaxisChat feature allows attendees to ask questions of the AI after a meeting and get real-time answers. LaxisChat is available now for use and can be integrated into existing meeting platforms and tools such as Webex, Google Meet, Zoom, and more.

With the new ChatGPT-like features, follow up tasks can now be performed by the LaxisChat which may include asking questions about key points in a conversation, next steps, and summarizing conversations, just to name a few. There’s no end to the possibilities of what a meeting attendee can ask Laxis AI Chat and provide immediately to other meeting participants.

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“We are thrilled to announce this major update to Laxis, which now has ChatGPT-like features,” said Laxis CEO, Eric Xiao. “With this new capability, Laxis has the potential to transform the way people work and interact after meetings, by providing real-time assistance and improving productivity.”

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