Justuno Push Notifications Feature Released from Beta Testing

Justuno Push Notifications , Beta Testing, visitor conversion and website optimization platform
Justuno Push Notifications Feature Released from Beta Testing

Justuno has released our push notifications feature from beta testing and it is now live for all users. We’re excited to release this offsite messaging capability, which allows our users to further personalize their marketing wherever their customers are—on or off the web.

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Push notifications are short messages sent via a mobile or desktop browser to subscribers even when they aren’t on a website. This makes them a powerful tool for marketers to drive past traffic back to their website, provide special notices or alerts, and ultimately convert more visitors into new business.

“Push notifications are a powerful tool for retailers since it’s more personal than email and doesn’t run the risk of getting lost in an inbox,” said Justuno’s CTO and co-founder, Travis Logan.

“These are ideal for time-sensitive information like flash sales, geo-targeted messages, in-stock notifications, and more. Plus, they can be highly personalized and targeted to subscriber segments, making push notifications a powerful channel.”

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Justuno is an AI-powered visitor conversion platform that leverages billions of visitor data points to create intelligent lead captures, personalized website messages, and actionable data insights, powering e-commerce businesses’ growth and turning clicks into customers.

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