Freshworks Launches Freshsuccess: First CRM Vendor to Add Customer Success to Software Suite


Freshworks Inc., the customer engagement software company, has announced the general availability of Freshsuccess, becoming the first CRM vendor to natively integrate customer success software into its portfolio for complete customer engagement from the first touch to the latest inquiry. With Freshsuccess, organizations will be able to improve customer results, prevent churn and identify sales opportunities. Businesses can also quickly understand the health of customer accounts and determine effective next actions that increase the lifetime value of the relationship.

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“To ensure sustainable, healthy business growth, focus on helping customers make the most of what you sell them. That may be obvious for a subscription business model, but it applies to just about any product or service. Happy customers stay customers,” said L. Nicole France, vice president, and principal analyst at Constellation Research. “But ‘customer success’ is often separated from other customer interactions and experiences. It really shouldn’t be. Everyone can play their part in supporting customer success if it’s part of a holistic view of what’s happening within customer accounts. Incorporating customer success into an integrated portfolio makes it far easier to build a truly enterprise-wide approach to customer experience.”

Freshsuccess introduces the Freshworks Master Account Record, an integrated view of customer data that incorporates all key touchpoints across sales, finance, support, product, and marketing to provide an up-to-date and complete picture of the customer relationship. For example, the Freshworks Master Account Record combines sales order, accounts payable and product usage information in order for the customer success team to understand what they bought, how they’re consuming the product and whether they’re up to date in payments. This unique data view makes it possible to answer difficult questions such as, “Are they happy using and paying for the product they purchased?”

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“Before Freshsuccess, we couldn’t quickly tell which products our customers were using, or how much time they were spending on our platform. As a result, we didn’t always know where to focus our time,” said Margo Cleveland, director of customer success at AdStage. The customer success team can now track how customers engage with AdStage’s platform, including what features they use, where they spend their time and many other KPIs. This helps the team quickly identify power users or re-engage slow adopters.

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