Fintech centralizes the bank’s operational actions and facilitates companies’ financial management


As open finance has advanced in Brazil, competition in the banking and finance segment has been increasingly fierce. This conjuncture, far beyond being beneficial to customers, proves that the offer of services needs to be more than complete: it has to be customized. As a consequence, in addition to the expansion of the means of payments and customized operations within the platforms that have been created, the projection of growth of operations paves the way to consolidate fintechs that are preparing to operate in the segment.

Fintech Celero is the greatest example of this Portuguese profile, a fact proven with the conclusion of an important partnership with Visa in the offering of a bfm (Business Financial Management) solution customizable 100% white label, allows the partner (being banks, accreditors, or other financial institutions) to offer a complete financial management solution to its legal entity client, and within the solution it will be able to offer customized products according to the information that it will have access to. BFM consists of the delivery of two main products: the product to the partner’s end customer, and radar, which is the insights platform for the partner itself.

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Unprecedented, Celero’s solution has differentials that bring benefits to both financial institutions and clients of these institutions. For legal entities, the main advantage is the possibility of using a financial management system fully integrated with Internet Banking, enriching an activity already present in the manager’s routine. This technology, based on artificial intelligence, identifies where each CNPJ has accounts receivable and payable; gathers the information; it crosses and analyzes the data and thus allows a complete and complex management experience carried out in an extremely simplified way, so that entrepreneurs will be able to devote more to their business – letting technology support you in the financial management of the company.

For banks and other financial institutions that adhere to the solution, the possibility of anticipating better credit offers, products and services, in addition to improving the approach with this audience in a personalized and efficient way, is one of the biggest attractions. However, the range of possibilities is much wider.

In general terms, Celero’s system is the only one capable of aggregating a multitude of data on a single platform and using it to feed a collection with key information for strategic decisions and also executing all the operational actions of the financial institution with its clients (companies). That is, it is not only a system that gathers raw data: through the automatic classification of information, it transforms, each data into information relevant to the financial institution”, explains João Augusto Betenheuzer, CFO of Celero.

With these differentials, Celero’s system offers banks, for example, a secure system to validate the supply of credit, generate increased competitiveness, increase customer retention as much as possible and, mainly, the benefit of principality to the financial institution. “Being the main bank of a legal entity is key. It is common for a company to have accounts in different banks and use different services in each of them. With Celero’s solutions, the financial institution concentrates on its own platform all the operations of PJs, including other banks, and also opens the possibility that products targeted according to the needs of each one are offered”, points out João Augusto.

It is an unprecedented and unique tool that makes simple the routine of financial management of the business, the predictability of input and output of resources and, through it, the user can monitor if he is on the way to achieving the financial goal.

Our goal is to help companies act strategically to make better decisions, achieve better results and generate income and employment in their areas. It is a common goal for Celero and its investors: to contribute to healthy management and business strengthening, transforming the way of financial management and, with this, saving millions of companies, not only in Brazil“, points out João Tosin, CEO of Celero.

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Celero Solidity

Fintech’s successful solution is based on a solid experience started in 2014, which permanently shows its results and puts Celero on the select list of promising fintechs.

Proof of this was the contribution received from the Harvard Business School Alumni Angels of Brazil (HBSAAB), an organization of Brazilian alumni from Harvard that supports companies with high growth potential, as well as Honey Island Capital, an investment vehicle created by the founding partners of EBANX, the first unicorn in southern Brazil.

Celero advances in its niche with solidity. In the innovative scenario of Open Finance integrate systems and offer complete and customizable solutions highlights it in the segment. Thus, financial management for companies can rise to another level and also foster business to institutions that adhere to the system. Celero has innovation in its DNA,” says Wagner Ruiz, one of the creators of Honey Island Capital and co-founder of EBANX.

“Within our business strategy, we are expanding our network to build the necessary connections with different players. For this, we start to offer value-added services to the entire financial ecosystem, going beyond the offer of payment credentials and security solutions, as is the case of the tool developed by Celero. This partnership also represents an important advance for Visa, as it marks our evolution in the concept of Open Banking in Brazil,” says Juliano Manrique, Executive Director of Solutions at Visa do Brasil.

Fintechs lead investment attraction

The financial niche continues to lead the ranking of investments in startups in Brazil, raising, in the first half of this year alone, US$ 1.36 billion (out of a total of US$ 2.92 billion), according to data from the latest Inside Venture Capital, produced by the innovation platform Distrito. In this universe of investments, therefore, they gain space, those companies that can prove efficiency and customization of operations without leaving aside security, and that have the ability, competence and pioneering to make the most of the possibilities that Open Finance offers to create innovative and exclusive solutions.

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