Doceree Launches ‘first Global Network Of Endemic Publishers For Programmatic Physician Marketing’ In The United States


Doceree Inc, the first global network of endemic platforms for programmatic marketing, today announced the launch of its platform in the US to mainstream Rx drug marketing via its exclusive network of endemic publishers.

The launch makes Doceree the only platform in the US that allows pharmaceutical brands and media agencies to programmatically market to Physicians on exclusive endemic publisher platforms in a bid to make Physician marketing effective and efficient.

“Doceree is disrupting Rx drug marketing. Any disruption is only possible when the approach is focused, especially in Physician marketing where the ecosystem is scattered. Doceree is revolutionizing the landscape by enabling Rx drug brands target doctors at the right moment with the right message and above all at the right places i.e. endemic physician networks,” said Doceree Founder & CEO, Dr. Harshit Jain.

“We identified the gap that was obstructing efficiency in Physician marketing. The understanding was that a critical mass is key for Rx drug marketers to drive an effective behaviour change among Physicians and providing them better context. Doceree provides that stupendous power to Rx brands with its endemic network.”

On the front of publishers, Doceree’s integrated platform provides critical monetization support to endemic publishers that have been operating as standalone entities, losing a great deal on ‘network-led’ revenue-generation opportunities, and were not able to capitalise on their non-US visitors. “Being a part of the exclusive endemic network brings all players, small or large, on a par, providing equal opportunity to make revenues,” added Dr. Harshit.

Doceree provides the ability to precision target Physicians with its unique identity-resolution proprietary technology – Espiyan. It targets over 1 million Physicians across the US and 300,000 in India.

“We are thrilled to partner with Doceree and share its vision to streamline Rx drug marketing. Contextual marketing on endemic platforms always give outstanding results in terms of performance indicators such as Click Through Rates (CTRs) and impressions. Conversions for Rx drug brands are also very strong on targeted platforms. It is an incredible opportunity for Rx drug brands to benefit from a unified ecosystem focused on Physicians,” said Jeff Persinger, CEO, BioPharm Communications, a part of Omnicom Health Group.

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