Company Database Offers B2B Database and Business Contact Data

Company Database Offers B2B Database and Business Contact Data

Company Database now offers high quality, triple verified email lists for email outreach, cold calling and direct mail.

Company Database is a B2B business database provider with a mission of helping businesses grow their sales and marketing by 10X. Company Database offers high quality, triple verified email lists for email outreach, cold calling and direct mail.

Company Database’s triple verification process includes checking the data against at lease one online directory service, verifying the domain name against invalid domain registrations and invalid URLs, and verifying the email addresses for syntax and mail server response check using an SMTP command.

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“We have used the lists from Company Database for email and direct mail campaigns and we are pleased with the results. We plan on purchasing more lists from Company Database for our upcoming campaigns.” – Web Design Xpertweb design agency in Los Angeles, California.

Company Database organizes their databases by location and industry. Databases are available for $0.10 per record, compared to competitors such as Uplead who charges $0.30 to $0.50 per record, depending on the plan. Company Database also does not charge monthly plans so you can purchase exactly what you need.