Coil Expands with Launch of WordPress Plugin and New Wallet Provider Uphold

Coil, WordPress Plugin, Content
Coil Expands with Launch of WordPress Plugin and New Wallet Provider Uphold

Coil, the company dedicated to building a better business model for the web, unveiled the Coil Web Monetization plugin, providing publishers and creators on WordPress with an alternative and an additive way to monetize their free and premium content. Coil also introduced its newest wallet provider, Uphold, enabling payouts in more than 50 currencies, and in the U.S., access to Uphold’s new debit card payout feature.

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“Now, more than ever, publishers and individual creators are seeking new revenue streams,” said Stefan Thomas, Founder, and CEO of Coil. “At the same time, consumers are suffering from site-by-site subscription fatigue and the invasive privacy issues associated with ads. With the introduction of the Web Monetization plugin and more payout options for publishers and creators around the globe, our goal is to provide more freedom of choice and less friction for everyone.”

Developed in partnership with leading WordPress agency Pragmatic, the plugin makes it easy to web monetize an entire site with a few clicks. Once enabled, Coil streams payments to the publisher’s wallet as Coil Members enjoy the content, while preserving users’ privacy. Publishers and creators looking to maximize their revenue potential can also use the plugin to implement special features for members, including ad-free and premium content experiences. The open-source plugin is intentionally designed to be interoperable with other Web Monetization service providers, providing publishers and creators with more freedom of choice now and in the future.

With Coil’s newest wallet provider, Uphold, creators will enjoy an intuitive setup experience and more payout options. Uphold offers access to over 50 currencies with bank connectivity in more than 35 countries, expanding the Coil’s ability to serve more creators and publishers around the world. Creators in the U.S. who select Uphold as their wallet provider will also have access to the Uphold debit card offers, allowing them to have payments from Coil loaded directly onto their cards.

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Stefan Thomas added, “Part of the inspiration for Coil was to break down the barriers that prevent creators from being paid for their work and their fans from being able to support them. By leveraging Interledger Protocol technology and partnering with Uphold, we’re continuing to tear down walls that make cross-currency transactions too expensive and inaccessible to many.”

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