Ashley Zych Becomes Director of Search Marketing at Aroluxe Marketing, Paving the Way for Client-Centric Growth

Ashley Zych Becomes Director of Search Marketing at Aroluxe Marketing, Paving the Way for Client-Centric Growth

Aroluxe Marketing, a leading Tennessee-based marketing agency, is thrilled to announce the promotion of Ashley Zych to the position of Director of Search Marketing.

Ashley, who has been an integral part of the Aroluxe team since 2019, will be stepping into this new role to drive further growth and innovation in the realm of search marketing.

Starting her journey at Aroluxe as an SEO Strategist, Ashley quickly demonstrated her exceptional skills in analyzing client data and crafting effective strategies to enhance website traffic. “Ashley’s dedication and expertise have played a pivotal role in the company’s success, leading to her elevation to this new and crucial position,” says Aroluxe CEO David Johnson.

In her previous role as SEO Lead, Ashley was responsible for a wide range of duties, including analyzing client analytics, executing on-page and off-page SEO, content creation, and delegating tasks to her team to ensure the achievement of project goals.

“Ashley’s role change is a testament to Aroluxe’s commitment to fostering talent and innovation within its ranks,” says Johnson. “Her transition to the Director of Search Marketing role is an upgrade and a significant step towards her upcoming partnership at Aroluxe, set to commence in January next year.”

This innovative approach aims to empower team members to make informed decisions based on the data they review, ultimately enhancing the client experience. Additionally, Ashley will dedicate more time to developing strategies that will drive Aroluxe’s growth and discover novel methods to amplify clients’ digital marketing success.

“This new role will give me the time and ability to deep dive into analytics for each client and make a deeper plan about how to move them forward each month and year,” says Ashley. “I am very excited to see how much we can improve client KPIs.”

Ashley’s journey to her current position is marked by her diverse background. Born and raised in Orlando, FL, she pursued a BA in Graphic and Interactive Communications from Ringling College of Art and Design.

Initially starting in graphic design, she transitioned to corporate marketing and event planning. Over time, her fascination with SEO grew, driven by her analytical mindset and her appreciation for the measurable impact of her work.

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Ashley’s dedication to staying current in the field is evident through her possession of various Google Certifications, and she continues to bolster her expertise with yearly SEO certificates.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Ashley is an avid yoga enthusiast and a passionate gamer. She is currently working towards becoming a certified yoga instructor in her spare time.

Ashley’s role change is a testament to Aroluxe’s commitment to fostering talent and innovation within its ranks. Her transition to the role of Director of Search Marketing is not only an upgrade but also a significant step towards her upcoming partnership at Aroluxe, set to commence in January next year.

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