Are the Economic Winds of Uncertainty Beginning to Blow? Latest Global Research From Universum Reveals Growing Divide Among Gen Z Students

Gen Z, Universum, career plans, Students

Tariffs, trade wars, climate change and more. According to the latest global annual World’s Most Attractive Employers (WMAE) research from Universum, the career aspirations of a growing portion of students are being influenced by economic uncertainty. Clearly divided into two segments, the research found 53 percent of Gen Z students are security seekers, followed by 35 percent focused on innovating their way through the disruptive challenges the world is confronting now.

This year, 247,235 business and engineering/IT students located across the 12 largest global economies, participated in the annual research that analyzes those companies, industries and employment attributes in-demand by new grads. The study provides critical insights into this highly desirable talent pool, providing employers with a direct view of expectations and aspirations.

Familiar brands lure Gen Z, with Google taking the top spot for the tenth consecutive year. Google appeals to Gen Z’s bifurcation: as an employer, it’s dynamic and innovative, as well as large, successful and secure.

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