A New Source for Independent Information About Enterprise Software: ERP Advisors Group Announces New Website

A New Source for Independent Information About Enterprise Software ERP Advisors Group Announces New Website

On Thursday, July 30, ERP Advisors Group unveiled a new website at erpadvisorsgroup.com to provide resources for anyone who is looking for guidance on ERP selection and ERP implementation.

The new website is a repository for unbiased information about enterprise software, including a knowledge base of podcasts, articles, videos, and whitepapers designed to assist stakeholders who seek insights into ERP best practices. To listen to The ERP Advisor podcast, visit erpadvisorsgroup.com/blog/tag/podcast.

“There are thousands of software solutions,” says ERP Advisors Group on their home page. “Who has time to evaluate them all? We do. And we’ve done it across dozens of industries.” These industries include Agriculture, Energy, Financial Services, Food & Beverage, Manufacturing, Mining, Nonprofit, Professional Services, and Wholesale Distribution.

Visitors can sign up for upcoming virtual events at erpadvisorsgroup.com/events.

To approach the process of getting the site built, ERP Advisors Group practiced what they preach by vetting a wide range of software platforms and vendors to discover the best fit for their needs. They ultimately decided on working with Web Canopy Studio, a SaaS website design studio specializing in brand development and lead generation. Design and development were closely monitored throughout the implementation, followed by rigorous testing for quality assurance.

The end result is a website that allows ERP Advisors Group to serve CFOs, CTOs, and executives as an independent and authoritative voice for ERP guidance.

“When you’re independent, like we are, you can help anybody,” said Shawn Windle, the Founder and Managing Principal of ERP Advisors Group. “We truly do not make a dime from any vendor, from any reseller or from any implementation partner, so our objectives are always aligned with what’s best for our client. And if you’re talking to ERP advisory firms — if they’re not independent, you are wasting your time.”

Meet the team at erpadvisorsgroup.com/about.

ERP Advisors Group was founded in 2010 to provide software advisory services through consultants who only work on enterprise software selections and implementations. They are widely trusted as experts who know the pitfalls to avoid as they guide clients to a successful go-live.

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