3radical Extends the Power of Voco With New Content Hosting Interface


Enables Third Parties to Integrate Their Own Interactive Digital Mechanics into Voco’s ­­Audience Engagement Capabilities

3radical, the developer of the Voco audience engagement platform, is launching its Content Hosting Interface, enabling its customers and third-party agencies to develop and integrate their own interactive digital mechanics into the Voco platform. This new capability, which is available immediately on Voco instances worldwide, is part of 3radical’s commitment to creating an open and flexible platform that seamlessly integrates with other digital marketing technologies and content providers to ensure 3radical customers consistently maximize the value of their investment.

The Voco platform currently includes over 50 existing customizable mechanisms that can be used to create mutually rewarding relationships with audiences. These capabilities include a range of brandable games, quizzes, and surveys as well as activities that encourage audiences to view, download and share content socially. Voco also includes additional content orchestration features, such as; progress journeys and achievements walls, that enable audience members to visualize progress through a series of tasks, further helping to drive repeat engagement over time.

Users of the new Content Hosting Interface will be able to import their newly created modules into Voco, where they become available as additional configurable ‘tactics’ that can be selected and used alongside Voco’s existing functionality to build out compelling interactive experiences. Imported tactics will work in the same way as existing Voco capabilities, with business users able to trigger the release of rewards and content in return for engagement with the new features.

David Eldridge, CEO at 3radical, said; “The introduction of the Content Hosting Interface represents a quantum leap forward in our ability to enable customers to rapidly add new and differentiated methods of engaging with audiences. We are very much looking forward to building a network of independent developers, agencies, and brands to start using this feature to create innovative new content that will complement Voco’s existing core capabilities.”

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