1Digital® Agency Has a Team of E-Commerce Design Experts

1Digital® Agency Has a Team of E-Commerce Design Experts

1Digital® Agency specializes in all things e-commerce. They work with a wide variety of e-commerce businesses and are an all-in-one agency for e-commerce websites. Whether a business is looking for marketing services or to improve the look and feel of its website, the 1Digital® team is the perfect choice to get the job done.

One of the most important parts of any website is its design. Even if a business has amazing products for sale, they will not be able to attract customers without an engaging e-commerce website design. Effective design elements will not only hold the attention of visitors to prevent bounces, but will also encourage those potential customers to explore the website further.

They say that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. This is also true in the world of e-commerce. Even with an amazing marketing campaign, businesses might see more traffic but that does not always mean more engagement. When it comes to e-commerce, engagement is everything. Longer engagement times also lead to repeat business and increased brand recognition.

Over the years, 1Digital’s team of expert designers have worked with businesses on a wide range of e-commerce platforms. Whether a business wants to make a few changes to their existing design templates or they want a completely custom-built website, 1Digital’s team can get it done.

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For businesses who are interested in seeing what kind of design improvements their site could use, 1Digital’s designers are always happy to offer a design audit. This not only provides businesses with a checklist of where their site could use a little improvement, but it will also give the 1Digital® team a head start in planning a new e-commerce web design.

On top of their incredible custom web design, 1Digital® Agency also offers a wide range of other services for e-commerce businesses. This includes world-class marketing campaigns, platform migration support, general support packages, and custom development services.

Oftentimes custom development and design go hand in hand, meaning 1Digital® is the only agency business will need to redesign the look and functionality of the websites. They also offer great retainer packages so businesses can continue to get support in the future when they need a small project or a bug to be fixed by the same team who built their site.

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