Why Modern Marketers Need a Modular Content Strategy in 2024

    modular content strategy

    With the pressure on modern marketers at an all-time high and budgets at an all-time low, they need tools and strategies to scale their content approach. A modular content strategy can help them with content reuse and optimization.

    Content is the foundation for developing digital experiences that excite customers. It also drives traffic and generates leads. However, creating those experiences will be difficult if the content strategy is stale.

    In 2024, content will remain a critical factor for brands

    According to Mordor Intelligence’s Content Marketing Market Analysis Report– The content marketing market size is estimated at USD 263.09 billion in the current year. It is expected to reach USD 523.45 billion in the next five years, registering a CAGR of 14.75% during the forecast period.

    They must find new ways to meet the demand for content across a variety of channels while also optimizing it for different target audiences. These expectations can be met with the help of a modular content approach.

    A modular content strategy can have various advantages, including empowering content teams and reducing the constraints of traditional content strategies. Here are some reasons why marketers should adopt a modular content strategy.

    1. Autonomously Publish and Edit Content

    The process of publishing content is separated from the development pipeline with a content platform that streamlines content operations. Content and design elements are arranged into a unified content hub and are modular for easy reuse.

    Without the assistance of a developer, editors can make changes, preview, and publish content.

    Marketers can focus on content creation and quality rather than the logistics of coordinating with developers and managing content in multiple locations. This saves time and creates a more consistent internal user experience and customer experience.

    2. Quickly Create New Localized Pages

    Marketers can manage content touched by multiple teams, even if those teams are situated worldwide, using modular content with strong governance. If marketers work with multilingual content, their developers can help them set up locales.

    They can translate the content and localize it using integrated tools or workflows. This will regulate how local teams translate and localize it. International teams can be given access to only the content they require for their location without interfering with the work of others.

    Companies can build on existing content platforms to quickly expand into new areas with localized content.

    3. Increased Reusability

    Another benefit of modular content that should not be overlooked is its reusability. Modular content enables marketers to reuse content parts, extending the shelf life of the content. A lengthy white paper, for instance, can be broken down into smaller blog posts. For social media promotions, each content component can be further divided into text or visuals.

    According to an article by Semrush – 42% of marketers said that updating existing content has boosted their content marketing value.

    4. Easily Fulfill Personalization Demands.

    Personalization is in high demand among customers, and a modular content strategy can help brands meet that demand. Teams can change material for context by breaking it into modules, allowing them to adjust content to the demands of distinct audience personas.

    5. Faster Launch of New Campaigns

    With a modular content model strategy, they no longer have to deal with rigid CMS frameworks or manage legacy infrastructure.

    They can regularly release new features and digital experiences that help content reach wider. This also becomes more reusable without the backlog. This can happen while content is being created, thanks to content platforms that allow teams to operate in tandem.

    When editors and marketers manage content without developers’ assistance, both teams can produce more meaningful and effective work in less time.

    6. Enhanced Consistency

    Most firms have specific brand standards that outline how any released content should appear and feel. However, inconsistencies might arise while attempting new things.

    Because companies can reuse material already undergoing certain approval cycles, consistency can be maintained with modular content. This is particularly beneficial for localized marketing initiatives. It frequently tweaks existing campaigns to make them more relevant to consumers in a particular location.

    7. Improved Analytics and Insights

    A modular content strategy improves analytics and insights by providing a complete view of each content module’s performance. They can track each modular component’s engagement, conversion rates, and other key metrics. This provides valuable insights into what resonates with their audience.

    This data-driven approach enables the optimization of content strategies. This ensures that future campaigns are tailored to the target audience’s preferences.

    8. Improved SEO and Visibility

    When structured with a thoughtful information framework, modular content contributes to improved SEO. Search engines look for well-organized and easily searchable content structures. Modular content aligns with these preferences.

    They must optimize each module for relevant keywords and ensure a strong interlinking strategy. This can improve the visibility of their content.

    Also Read: Creating a Winning B2B Content Syndication Strategy

    9. Seamless Integration with Emerging Techs

    Emerging techs such as AI, AR, and voice interfaces are changing how content is consumed. A modular content strategy allows seamless integration of these technologies. Content modules can be designed and structured to fit in the evolving trends. This ensures that marketers can use cutting-edge tools to improve user experiences.

    In the same article by Semrush they stated that, 40% of marketers said creating more visual, and video content improved their content marketing.


    Adopting a modular content strategy will help modern marketers to stay ahead in 2024. They must use the advantages of content strategy. This will boost their content marketing efforts in the coming time.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.