Why Mobile Attribution Needs to be a Crucial Part of the Marketing Stack

In today’s digital age, effective marketing begins with a thorough understanding of the users and their journey. Marketers can’t rely only on a well-designed app to win. The gap is filled by mobile attribution, which provides marketers with the deep, granular data they need to attract the type of customer group they want, and as many as they want.

According to AdRoll’s 2017 State of Performance Marketing Report , 70 percent of professionals in Europe and North America struggle to act on marketing insights in order to produce improvements, this signifies attribution clearly plays a key role in mobile marketing by providing users with the data they need to make the best decisions.

Because attribution provides indispensable insight, according to the majority of marketers, let’s take a look at the top three reasons why mobile attribution is such an important aspect of modern mobile marketing, and why marketers need attribution at all.

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Smarter Data-Driven Spend Decisions

Marketers can use mobile attribution to gain access to a variety of cross-network data that can help them increase lifetime value (LTV) and, ultimately, ROI. This data has the potential to boost the app’s performance by demonstrating the worth of specific channels, publishers, ad networks, campaigns, and even multiple versions of creatives if collected in an unbiased and authentic manner. By allowing marketers to identify the best platforms on which to spend their budget, they will be one step closer to making smart spending decisions.

A Universal SDK for the Advertising Ecosystem

App marketers face a challenging task in providing and maintaining SDKs for various apps and networks. A universal SDK comes to the rescue as a practical option to scale their efforts, eliminate the delay/cost of adding new SDKs, and boost the efficiency of technical resources and the overall app’s performance. Once integrated with an app, this global SDK can measure and attribute for all of the app’s ad networks. As a result, all of the heavy lifting is done for advertisers, and they are connected to the full mobile ecosystem through integrations with numerous media sources.

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Prevent Double or Triple Charging

The most frequent attribution approach, last-touch attribution, does not meet the criteria for authenticity. Why? Because ad networks only see their own contacts, if a campaign is spread to numerous ad networks, each network that registered a touch on a multi-touch user journey can claim credit. Marketers wind up spending double or triple what they should be paying in CPI (cost per install). An unbiased mobile attribution platform provides marketers with authoritative data and pinpoints the source of the last touch. Marketers can now pay only the most deserving ad networks, increasing the overall campaign’s ROI.

Marketers need to utilize and rely on a single end-to-end platform that tracks and attributes all paid media sources to make their overall marketing spend more profitable. The value that a good, unbiased mobile attribution provider can add to a company’s entire marketing strategy and outcomes is unrivaled. It provides marketers with data-driven insights and solutions, as well as accelerates campaign development by diverting resources away from attribution. To put it another way, let the powerful attribution platform handle the heavy lifting in terms of technology and fraud prevention so that marketers can focus on strategy and growing a strong user base.

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