Why Businesses Need to Give Next-Generation Chatbots a Second Chance

    Why Businesses Need to Give Next-Generation Chatbots a Second Chance

    Greater insights into customer concerns, faster, more informed transactions for consumers, consistency across communication platforms, fewer agent involvement, data security, and more revenue for a business are all benefits of an intelligent, next-generation chatbot. It’s past time for businesses to reconsider long-held misconceptions and give chatbots another chance — so both their bottom lines and customers will benefit.

    A satisfied customer is more likely to return, while a negative encounter can tarnish a brand’s image for years. Past mistakes can taint a customer’s perception of a brand in the present, which can be difficult to reverse. The same may be said for how people think about technology.

    Consider chatbots. Chatbots got a terrible rap in their early, clunky days. Customer-centric leaders and executives were intrigued by the technology but concerned that it would produce poor experiences and drive customers away. But, when it comes to the latest generation of chatbots, technology has come a long way.

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    Here are four prevalent misconceptions regarding legacy chatbots that no longer apply to today’s next-generation versions:

    Chatbots have bad analytics and lack insights

    For businesses to consistently create positive customer experiences, they must have excellent insights. Chatbots have previously failed to acquire and incorporate relevant data from consumers, such as their individual requirements and preferences, which could shape future encounters. Next-generation chatbots, however, can capture analytics and deliver actionable insights into customers in order to improve support operations. Dashboards are included in next-generation chatbots, allowing support teams to examine the types and frequency of queries users are asking. These dashboards show how volumes have changed over time and how often a chatbot is effective in resolving different types of questions.

    Support teams can use next-generation chatbots as digital allies to help them uncover customer pain points. Support leaders can begin prioritizing the most common and important customer concerns once they have been identified. Further, these next-generation chatbots initiate discussions with consumers to elicit more information about why an issue is occurring, providing additional insight into how to effectively resolve issues or even making product or process modifications.

    Chatbots cannot keep consumer information safe

    A data breach can be disastrous for a company. Customers invest their trust in a business and believe that their personal information will be kept safe and secure. That trust can be shattered in an instant. As a result, some companies may be hesitant to incorporate a chatbot into their customer service portfolio due to privacy concerns.

    Although there are certain next-generation chatbot systems that are incredibly secure, businesses should always conduct their research because not all platforms are created equal. To protect consumer information, the suitable platform will already have the appropriate security, safeguards, procedures, policies, and certifications in place. Most of the time, chatbots won’t need access to personally identifiable information to respond to customer inquiries, but security must be considered in circumstances where data is stored.

    Chatbots aren’t designed to work across multiple platforms

    Another prevalent misconception regarding chatbots is that they can only be used on websites and that they can’t be used on all channels where customers communicate.

    Next-generation chatbots are fully scalable omnichannel solutions that can function outside of the context or location in which they were built. Companies can train their chatbots and deploy them across practically every channel their consumers use to contact them thanks to next-generation technologies. It isn’t a particularly difficult lift. An intelligent chatbot can be implemented for a website as well as nearly any other channel, allowing businesses to give a consistent customer support experience across all interactions.

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    Chatbots do not drive revenue for companies

    Chatbots with artificial intelligence can quickly resolve consumer concerns, reducing the number of support tickets and allowing operators to focus on more complex issues. Businesses will save a lot of money as a result of this, in addition to increasing productivity. But, can chatbots generate additional revenue?

    Next-generation chatbots are a valuable tool for helping potential customers locate what they are looking for quickly. These chatbots are capable of handling a customer’s product and service questions while also delivering relevant recommendations based on the chat and other contextual cues acquired during the engagement to help customers make smarter and faster purchases, thereby generating revenue.

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