Which Marketing Automation Platform is your Right Fit?

    Which Marketing Automation Platform is your Right Fit

    While marketing automation platform has caught the attention of enterprises across all industries ever since it became a part of martech,  deciding which platform is usable and satisfies the needs is still a decision that needs to be properly addressed.

    The marketing landscape has never been more fierce than today. The rise of innovative technologies has paved the way for enterprises to make their marketing much more effective by helping them to convert as many leads and keeping a customer base that is loyal to them.

    However, as the world went into lockdown since the proliferation of COVID-19 across the globe, enterprises are witnessing an economic crisis. At the same time, the marketing teams have seen a downward trend in their budget, which is further projected to decline.

    Marketing automation platforms have risen as the solution to these reductions in budgets and resources. They have significantly reduced the time and efforts B2B marketers have to put in spreading the message.

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    However, as every enterprise’s goals and methodologies are different, many are failing to reap the benefits offered by the platforms.

    Hence, before embarking on the journey to integrating the automation platform, enterprises, like any other adoption process, should have evaluative steps to find which marketing automation platform is suitable for the enterprise’s goals.

    Below are few steps enterprises can take to speed up their adoption process for the marketing automation platform.

    • Evaluating their current marketing system

    Indeed, marketing automation can significantly enhance an enterprise’s ability to spread their messages. However, this solution is applicable for growing enterprises at a rapid pace and requiring scale their efforts.

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    E.g., if the database is too large to be consolidated or has too many email subscribers that the current email system fails to deliver the behavioral targeting, then considering integrating a marketing automation platform can be an excellent choice. Otherwise, it is just an added cost and can put a strain on the already tight budget.

    • Evaluating marketing automation capabilities

    CMOs should discuss identifying and prioritizing the software requirements and the features they need in the automation platform, learning about whether sales representatives need access to real-time marketing data. Or, if the enterprise has a strong social media presence, which requires efficient management and integration.

    By identifying which features are crucial and which are not, enterprises can save a significant amount of funds and redirect it to adding and enhancing the tools that can deliver the desired results.

    • Effectively integrating into the existing martech

    While it is no secret that enterprises need to integrate the marketing automation tools in the existing martech, the steps to integrate them can be quite daunting. Therefore, enterprises should identify standalone tools such as social media management, SEO, webinar hosting, etc., and explain them thoroughly to the marketing automation vendor. As many of them already have app marketplaces, it can help streamline the integration process by providing access to the participating systems.

    Marketing automation platforms are transforming marketing. With the right tools and strategies, enterprises can effectively deliver the messages that can increase customer engagement, keep brand loyalty, and help them distinguish themselves as market leaders.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.