Voice technology based marketing technology

    Voice technology

    CMOs acknowledge that the pandemic has bought about new challenges to organizations across various industries; brands have shifted from in-person events to digital formats

    Marketing leaders say that clients are willing to interact with digital assistants to ensure social distancing, under the current conditions. Hospitality and restaurant industries have introduced digital servers to encourage no-touching policy. Other innovative solutions like interactive robots for elderly care in assisted care hospices have been introduced too. Voice technology has been already harnessed by the education industry to enable remote learning. Text-to-speech tech has been a driving force for students and educators alike.

    Voices.com and Voicify Partner to Bring Human Voice Over to Voice Assistant Applications

    CMOs point out that they had to adapt quickly to the situation and change their conventional marketing strategies to be relevant to the current scenario, maintain their market share and customer base.

    Marketing leaders say that despite the challenges due to COVID-19, new opportunities have arisen for brands to adopt new methods to interact with their customer base. By leveraging new voice technologies, brands can forge deeper relationships and better communication with their audience.

    Marketers say that there’s ample opportunity to use voice assistants other than for normal interaction with the clients. CMOs point out that similar to organizations adopting mobile-first plans in the past, they have started shifting to marketing strategies that emphasize on conversations. In a survey by Clickz.com, customer interaction is critical as over 60 million people own a minimum of one smart speaker and 77% of them have used these speakers daily in 2019.

    Voice Commerce – the Need for Retailers to Adopt it and the Associated Risks

    As per the Clickz.com survey, 91% of the marketing leaders have pushed for increased investment in the voice technology platform to ensure better customer experience and engagement. Euromonitor’s report stated that end-users and clients are more comfortable communicating with AI-fueled virtual assistants and domestic appliances as it involves not touching the surfaces to interact with them.

    Due to the pandemic lockdown, organizations and tech firms have been rolling out products that implement voice tech to enable remote work environments. Employees are using devices that allow confirming and setting up meetings via voice control. Marketers say that due to the increased preference for no-physical-touch policy, organizations are coming up with appliances to fill the gaps in the domestic market as well.

    New software tech is under the testing phase, where clients use voice assistants to shop, firms are looking for ways to incorporate voice tech with payments as more people return to offices, restaurants, and shopping centers.

    Salesforce Bringing Voice to the Workplace through its New Innovation – Einstein

    As the world prepares for the post-COVID environment, marketers state that clients will no longer prefer the touch-based assistants which had been popular until the pre-COVID era. Organizations plan to expand digital voice capabilities into strategies that help build the brand reputation and boost the market value.

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    Megana Natarajan
    Megana Natarajan is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She has experience in content creation and has previously created content for agriculture, travel, fashion, energy and markets. She has 3.9 years’ experience as a SAP consultant and is an Engineering graduate.