Top Viral Marketing Approaches Businesses Must Know


    With growing competition, marketers must captivate the attention of digital customers. Viral marketing is an innovative marketing strategy in which the brand creates content in the way it promotes its products or services quickly, making it “viral.”

    Brands may spread the information via emails, the internet, or word of mouth, amplifying peer recommendations’ power. A company’s sales, brand awareness, and engagement increase when a marketing campaign grabs attention and goes viral. Here are a few viral marketing approaches businesses must employ to expand their online presence.

    Target and Engage Audiences

    A viral marketing campaign works best for an audience that interacts quickly. It must align enough with the audience to share it with family, friends, and followers on social media. Therefore, it is vital to determine the target audience in the earliest stages of the campaign creation.

    Marketers must decide whom to connect with and what content audiences feel good about. These insights will help businesses decide whether the audiences will care about the campaign and share and pass the information to make it viral.

    Incorporating a visual factor in digital marketing can pull the target audiences and make them react to a bold and inspiring message. Including a call to action (CTA) is recommended to tell the audience the plan of action after the content is delivered or encourage them to comment, like, or share.

    Make an Emotional Plea

    An emotional appeal plays a vital role in viral marketing as consumers are densely driven by how they feel. Businesses must create a solid emotion that will adhere to the audiences until the end of the content, increasing the likelihood of a robust engagement. Content can end positively or negatively; it can be either genius or mediocre that will make audiences happy or otherwise.

    Unattractive content does not qualify for virality. Hence, the content’s design must make audiences take action. Furthermore, the celebrities admired by the target audience can also share the content increasing engagement.

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    Content Must Be Easily Shareable and Shared at the Right Time

    With social media and the internet, promoting and sharing content with the audience is simplified. It is an inexpensive method that allows businesses to produce an image or video content that is easily digestible by more audiences. For the content to go viral, it must be shared on many reliable platforms, making it easy for audiences to share. Marketers must add easy sharing, downloading, and embedding capabilities to the content so viewers can tag and message their peers or even download the video.

    Marketers must ensure that the content is shared at peak times, during which most people utilize social media and the internet. The peak times can be a major holiday like Christmas or significant events like the presidential race, matches, or birthdays of celebrities.

    Content Social Outreach and Reinforcement

    Social outreach is a practical viral marketing approach allowing businesses to reach more audiences when influential individuals recommend brands, products, or services. Marketers can include influencers in the industry and ask them to try the product or service or to acknowledge the content, allowing them to share the content directly with their followers if they are satisfied. The aim should be to offer unique content that benefits their followers in the long run.

    At the same time, single-time viral content diminishes quickly. Marketers must offer progressive content once audiences conclude it is exciting and unpredictable, peaking their emotional levels. Hence, presenting a series of viral messaging will support and bolster the campaign’s effectiveness.

    Station Objects

    Amidst a viral marketing campaign, it is essential to ensure a team is improving the targeting and re-engagements and aiming to keep the target audiences focused on the brand. To achieve this, efficient marketing objectives must be stationed to guide the team to enhance the strategy in real time.

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    Objectives must be specific with measurable goals to ensure the campaign is on the right track or whether or not adjustments are needed. Goals like the number of expected audience marketers want to reach and the number of shares in the first hour must be set. Furthermore, good market research about the competitors’ past campaigns will help them to define realistic goals.

    Keep the Message Straightforward

    More than one CTA can distract or confuse the audiences, adversely affecting the campaign’s effectiveness. Hence, viral campaign messages must be limited, memorable, and approachable, summing up in a short phrase. Maintaining minimal hashtags and uncluttered messages is crucial. At the same time, the video content must be no longer than 30 seconds. Marketers must remember that simplicity must not overtake or limit creativity.

    Correlate Online and Offline Campaigns

    Online and offline marketing campaigns work in isolation and pursue similar outcomes. Establishing a resonating marketing strategy that syncs the online and offline efforts can help develop a viral campaign. Businesses must ensure that email campaigns, social media content, and ad copies deliver the same and equivalent message as billboards, digital signage, and promotional material. Once the content assets are consistent, marketers must significantly connect the online and offline factors of the campaign, making the campaign work in unison. The campaign’s exposure and propensity to go viral maximizes when the power of offline and online marketing is incorporated.

    The rise of the internet and social media presents new avenues for businesses to reach hundreds of audiences. Companies can spread the message online rather than utilizing budget power to build shareable and compelling content. These viral marketing approaches can help accelerate the likelihood of upcoming campaigns taking off.

    There is no guideline for making the content go viral. However, marketers can assess and review what has been successful in the past and try to incorporate the same. Ultimately, viral marketing is about creating high-quality content that resonates with the audience and making them share it.

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    Apoorva Kasam
    Apoorva Kasam is a Global News Correspondent with TalkCMO. She has done her master's in Bioinformatics and has 18 months of experience in clinical and preclinical data management. She is a content-writing enthusiast, and this is her first stint writing articles on business technology. She specializes in marketing technology, data-driven marketing. Her ideal and digestible writing style displays the current trends, efficiencies, challenges, and relevant mitigation strategies businesses can look forward to. She is looking forward to exploring more technology insights in-depth.