Using omnichannel customization and real-time customer engagement for CX

    Using omnichannel customization and real-time for CX

    CMOs say that superior customer experience can be provided by deploying omnichannel personalization and real-time customer engagement

    Marketing leaders acknowledge that marketing is considered a mission-critical factor, required to drive revenue. The current pandemic has promoted the notion that unique experience will encourage clients to revisit as their requirements are met in real-time. They point out that marketers lead with real-time customer engagement as part of the arsenal.

    CMOs say that client journeys have become more uncertain, fluid, and dynamic. Conventional patterns of engagement have been disturbed and clients have embraced new trends and habits. Marketing leaders believe that real-time customer engagement will prove to be a critical functionality for ensuring unique CX. The current scenario requires the timely, personalized, and relevant engagement of every client via an omnichannel client journey.

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    Marketing leaders say that a superior CX is defined by business growth and driving new revenue. Clients tend to not engage deeply in business with organizations that fail to provide a customized CX. Most organizations say that CX is highly dependent on client understanding and real-time engagement. The pandemic resulted in sudden changes which increased the customization problems for the organizations.

    CMOs point out that most clients have changed their patterns and are likely to follow it post-pandemic as well. Most clients are focusing on availability and convenience, rather than brand loyalty or price. Marketing departments are prioritizing real-time customer engagement measures that ensure revenue growth.

    Create a CX policy

    CMOs prefer setting up a CX strategy as a surefire way of providing unique CX via real-time client engagement. They say that first, the organizations need to chart out the desired outcomes, the type of experience is aimed at, and the kind of factors which will ensure success in both the short and long-term.

    Marketing leaders say that real-time client engagement will play a crucial role regardless of the agenda. This includes goals like better retention, loyalty, NPS, providing a competitive advantage, or increasing the emotional connections with clients. An effective strategy will always drive revenue.

    Leaders point out that creating a strategy will help organizations to prioritize their functionalities; this will guarantee good output for metrics set by the brand.

    Clear-cut governance and data collection rules

    CMOs say that once the strategy is decided, organizations need to conclude upon the level of access they require to client data. Most real-time client engagement policy requires knowing all the details in a client’s situation, these details vary minute-to-minute, location-to-location. Such detailed data collection requires the identification of all data sources relevant to the updated view. These include demographic, transactional, and behavioral details.

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    Marketing leaders say that a stringent data governance policy and data-focused mindset are the keystones to customer engagement throughout the journey.

    Deploying a single customer view

    CMOs prefer real-time access, proper aggregation with customer data management along with a consolidated identity graph- a golden record. This would make it easier for the organization by providing them with complete details at the relevant stages of the client journey. Zero data latency must exist in the client’s view to ensure an accurate reflection of customer requirements.

    Machine Learning Automation

    Marketing leaders acknowledge that automated machine learning (AML) has made a significant impact on real-time client engagement. The tech deploys real-time decisions at a level relevant to the golden record. On-the-go details about clients act as triggers for relevant interactions and communications. This is possible only via AML models that can pull this off at various stages of the client journey with highly granular segments.

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    Megana Natarajan
    Megana Natarajan is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She has experience in content creation and has previously created content for agriculture, travel, fashion, energy and markets. She has 3.9 years’ experience as a SAP consultant and is an Engineering graduate.