Using AI to Bolster Marketing Efforts

By leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its numerous applications, B2B marketers can significantly enhance their marketing efforts along delivering an exceptional customer experience to their audience.

Marketers across the industry-wide spectrum are increasingly using AI in marketing. In fact, as per a recent report from Salesforce, over 84% of marketers are already using AI. While this highlights how AI has become an integral part of the marketing strategy, many organizations are still not utilizing it to its full potential. This is primarily due to the lack of sophistication, a significant issue in B2B organizations, where marketing efforts are siloed from the overall initiatives.

If incorporating the best practices, AI can help marketing teams advance from pure sales enablement to efficient lead-generation engines and brand equity multipliers. The applications are endless.

Here are a few ways that artificial intelligence can help the marketing team to move to the next level:

Improves A/B testing

There are numerous uses of A/B testing in marketing campaigns. Using A/B testing, marketing departments can determine what resonates with their customers. This will help them improve their strategies that will drive better results while maximizing the budget.

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When AI is incorporated into A/B testing, automatic tests and tweaks can be created and analyzed without having to manually isolate variables as well as create different tests. Later, the AI can choose the best-performing ad variation as well as run them without making any effort.

Enhance social listening

While there are a significant number of tools available for monitoring the social media presence of the brand, they still are very much dependent on human touch to effectively analyze data and get the required insights. This is because most of the tools can even flag irrelevant posts, which results in marketers or analysts assessing endless posts to understand what steps they should take to satisfy the customers.

However, incorporating AI into social listening tools can bolster the benefits of social listening tools while eliminating its cons. Social listening AI tools assess the internet beyond its immediate region to collate data and examine it. It helps them to understand what is being said about their brand and industry. Additionally, AI also helps the organization understand the context of social media posts and extrapolates the sentiments in the posts, whether they are positive or negative.

Gives a competitive edge

AI in marketing helps brands to remain competitive. It enables them to read data sets at a faster pace while being more efficient than a human being. Moreover, using AI in marketing enables marketers to make immediate changes that allow them to run their campaigns. Additionally, AI helps marketers to spot key areas to concentrate their efforts. They are able to view what parts of their campaigns need adjustment so that they can better reach and convert their audience.

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