Traditional Advertising: Does it Still Matter?

    Traditional Advertising Does it Still Matter

    Even though digital platforms have increasingly become the preferred media for advertising and marketing, they also come with their own disadvantages.

    The dawn of digital media and advanced martech technologies has transformed marketing and advertising. With online platforms becoming an integral part of humans, providing more and more touch points to reach the target audience; most brands have favored digital advertising. This has led them to pivot their investments from traditional media outlets, such as television, radio, and newspapers, to digital channels like TikTok to Instagram.

    However, a recent study revealed that there is a massive shift underway. As per a 2021 report from The CMO Survey titled “Managing and Measuring Marketing Spending for Growth and Returns,” traditional advertising investment has increased by 1.4% in nearly a decade. Customer-facing organizations are standing at the forefront of traditional advertising, with B2C service organizations predicting that their traditional spending will increase by 10.2%, followed by B2C product organizations. The question is why organizations are suddenly considering investing in traditional advertising. Here are a few catalysts that are driving this shift:

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    Traditional advertising helps to build credibility

    Digital media provides organizations with multiple media to reach out to their customers. However, as per industry experts, many people do not think of the organization as dependable or established. On the other hand, traditional advertising with printed material and ads on larger platforms are often viewed as trustworthy. This is due to the fact that people perceive traditional marketing with established mediums and bigger budgets. It gives them the idea and strengthens their credibility that the organization which is growing is prosperous and stable.

    It is meant for humans

    Traditional mediums, along with above-the-line (ATL) marketing activities, are designed for people. These methods work towards getting as much attention as possible. At the same time, the audience that uses platforms is a mix of real users, spammers, hacking activities as well as bots. Additionally, traditional media such as TV and newspapers or magazine ads interact with real people in real-time, which produces the impact that digital media sometimes can’t, which makes them relevant.

    Eradicate digital clutter

    With customers spending most of their waking hours online, they have become increasingly immune to conventional digital advertising and engagement. As per the CMO survey report, most customers report frustration and negative brand association with digital advertising clutters that prevent them from reading a blog, watching a video or browsing a website. On the contrary, traditional advertising is experiencing increased engagement. As per MarketingSherpa, over 50% of customers often or always watch traditional television advertisements and read print advertisements that they receive in the mail from organizations they are satisfied with. Traditional advertising often outperforms digital channels in terms of reach, attention, as well as engagement associated with costs.

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    Promotional aspects are sustainable

    One of the major drawbacks to employing digital marketing approaches is that they continue to provide an ongoing stream of promotional material to keep the attention of the customers. For some brands, this is a daily task. They may have to post two to three times on social media, develop a new daily video, or send out emails multiple times a week. This often consumes significant time and resources.

    Traditional approaches to marketing are a lot more sustainable and often leave a much longer impression on the audience. Brands can reap the same benefits from their existing materials, such as TV commercials, flyers, and business cards. This means they do not have to develop new material as often to promote their product or service.

    The rise of digital platforms led industry experts to believe that demise of traditional advertising will be much sooner. However, the ongoing events show a different story and reveal that conventional media is relevant and going strong. When used in combination, traditional and digital marketing can help organizations reach more audiences and build trust while strengthening their relationship with them.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.