Tracking Micro Conversion Can have huge impact on modern business

    Tracking Micro Conversion Can have huge impact on modern business

    Capturing an email is one of the most important for most businesses in a micro-conversion as it has the highest ROI of any marketing channel.

    An effective marketing strategy makes the job of finding a solid lead or actual customer easier. generating leads, growing email list or increasing sales are some primary goals marketing strategy has. To achieve this primary goal, businesses need to focus on the smaller goals or micro conversion that moves through its funnel.

    Micro conversion is an action that feels small and insignificant to the user, but ultimately makes a big impact on their likelihood of conversion. Sending a proposal, adding to a wish list, filling out a contact form or even subscribing a blog-all these micro conversions are stepping stones towards achieving organizations’ goal.

    It is true that macro conversions in a business play a significant role as it is directly related to revenue, but only engagement-based conversion or micro conversion can help achieve this profit.

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    customers complete multiple micro conversions before they reach a point where they are comfortable making a purchase. Therefore, focusing on only the primary goal is not enough and many opportunities can be missed. Micro-conversions come with many benefits that can improve the overall business conversion rate.

    Tracking Micro-conversations benefit business:

    Gauge user interest

    Prior to making macroconversions people make smaller types of engagement and these are important stepping stones as they can be useful indicators of a potential customer’s interest in any product or service.

    Understand buyer behavior

    Micro-conversions help to understand visitors’ activities on any website or landing page, and this helps target the potential customer.

    Finding areas for conversion optimization

    By monitoring micro-conversions, organizations collect huge amounts of information pertaining to their website visitors. And this gives the ability to spot weak links in any organization’s funnel, and diagnose areas of the website or landing page that need improvement to achieve higher conversion rates.

    For low-traffic websites especially that tend to be vulnerable to the effects of poor UX monitoring, micro-conversions is useful. When visitor numbers are low and there are only a handful of macro-conversions each day, one can make the most of each and every person that browses the site by analyzing micro conversion statistics.

    Track users from all channels

    Tracking micro conversions also allows collecting user information across various channels. This will help determine specific factors that can inform about marketing strategies including traffic sources or social media channels preferred by visitors for sharing content.

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    Measure engagement and nurture leads

    Micro conversions help to see just how effective all the web-pages are at engaging visitors. This also allows nurturing ideal visitors when visitors fill out the contact form available on the site.

    Understand customer journey

    Micro-conversions play a significant role in better understanding of a customer’s journey. This is important for those websites, where sales cycle is longer and complex and requires lots of information and plenty of discussions.

    before deciding whether to buy any product or service, every customer has a meaningful journey. There are practical applications for micro conversions in B2B and other industries, and even tiny improvements compound and produce huge payoffs.

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    Snigdha Mandal
    Snigdha Mandal is the Business News Reporter associated with OnDot Media. She is an experienced journalist with nearly ten years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she has worked with different media organisations and content firms. Before joining ODM she was the content team lead with Samsung India, Gurgaon.