Top Three Practical Reasons Sales Intelligence is Key to Marketing Strategy

    Top Three Practical Reasons Sales Intelligence is Key to Marketing Strategy

    The B2B landscape has undergone tremendous transformation. To build their plans, marketers must comprehend the needs of today’s consumers. Sales intelligence is advantageous in this situation.

    Persistent digital engagement will become standard, with 70% of marketers embracing an always-on digital engagement approach, predicts Forrester’s Predictions 2022: B2B Marketing Leaders Will Leverage Disruption To Structure A Redefined Role. Marketing executives who comprehend the requirements of the contemporary digital consumer are in an excellent position to create and implement strategies and initiatives that differentiate them from the competition and boost revenue.

    A thorough understanding of customers is the most crucial component of any marketing strategy. Furthermore, sales intelligence broadly refers to the technology and related data that enable marketers and sellers to effectively target and interact with their prospective customers.

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    Here are a few areas of marketing strategy where sales intelligence might be helpful.

    Product marketing strategy

    The win-loss analysis entails sorting through a combination of historical sales data (typically from CRMs) and qualitative insights from vendors and others engaged in the sales process. Reviewing previous victories and defeats reveals a variety of levels of valuable data. Through discussions with sellers, quantitative data on consumer targeting and sales efficiency may highlight areas to explore.

    Why do some industries or personas present challenges for marketers? Is the product-market fit problematic? Would it be preferable for them to focus on a smaller number of industries? Are they emphasizing the appropriate set of use cases for each persona in their messaging?

    Answers to the questions mentioned above can give marketers the hints they need to review their go-to-market strategy, including their ideal customer profile, positioning, and messaging.

    It might be accurate in terms of customer targeting. However, underperforming sellers lack the industry-specific language, use cases, and content they require to engage prospects effectively.

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    Efficient distribution of channels

    Equally crucial strategic viewpoints are given in the Marketer’s Bible to understand how and where to approach leads. Once more, sales intelligence offers essential assistance in that area, especially when taking lead-generating techniques into account. To determine where and how to reach out to the most pertinent prospects online, a wise marketer will first examine his company’s sales intelligence. Furthermore, knowing this information can help marketers find new business communities that they might have overlooked otherwise.

    If supplied through the inappropriate channel, even the greatest targeted and tailored content asset may go unnoticed and have no impact on the prospect’s progress through the sales cycle.

    Strategy for launching a campaign

    Information from sales intelligence that is relevant for product marketing and content strategy is also helpful for planning and organizing campaigns. Marketers may want to focus even more on what is working if specific industries have a significantly higher percentage of closed-won sales than others.

    Sales intelligence can serve as the justification to stop using generic “spray and pray” marketing and switch to tailored, integrated ones. Personalized content that resonates with the demands of the personas and sectors addressed is beneficial for campaigns targeting a relatively narrow customer profile. As long as the buyer fits the profile, creating full-funnel content to satisfy their demands at all different purchase stages is a part of a focused campaign plan. Focused campaigns are a powerful method to improve sales and marketing alignment by supplying more leads to sales that convert into sales.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain