Top Strategies for CMOs to Streamline Digital Marketing Strategy

    Top Strategies for CMOs to Streamline Digital Marketing Strategy-01

    Due to the COVID 19 outbreak, several businesses restructured their marketing teams and cut down the expenses on outsourced teams. With remote working becoming a new normal resulting in increased web usage, digital marketing has become paramount for many businesses.

    CMOs are facing a tough time working with fewer staff and reduced budgets. So, allocating the right resources to digital marketing is the most critical factor to be considered. It’s more crucial for organizations to evaluate how and where digital marketing fits into their marketing plans than ever before. Though digital marketing is often regarded as a one-size-fits-all approach, it doesn’t hold true as everything right from search engine optimization to social media falls into the category. It also depends on the organization as some strategies may be too expensive, unrealistic, or unnecessary.

    Marketing teams with the right approach can figure out what strategies work best for them. Here are five ways to simplify the process of managing digital marketing strategies more effectively.

    Top Strategies for CMOs to Streamline Digital Marketing Strategydigital marketing strategies

    Prioritize what is More Important

    Organizations should always begin with the marketing tools they already have in place and determine if the current strategies are performing well or not. Moreover, companies must use the previous year as the baseline to measure performance and accordingly decide if the tool used is worth managing.

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    For instance, if there is a significant increase in the number of visitors month-over-month landing on the corporate blog, the company should continue creating content. If one of the social media platforms is inactive in terms of engagement, businesses should consider if it’s worth getting more resources to develop it or see if the time can be utilized efficiently elsewhere.

    Boost the Usage of Marketing Automation Tools

    Marketing automation tools come in handy for teams to streamline their digital marketing strategies. Rather than using multiple tools, there are a few applications that allow users to manage everything under one umbrella including reports, email campaigns, contacts, blogs, and social media. Teams can use a single tool to simplify their marketing processes by gaining access to every digital marketing strategy they may use in their efforts on one platform. This helps eliminate possibilities of errors and reduces redundancies that may occur while using multiple tools.

    Digital Marketing Calendar is a Must

    Resources are now readily available for teams to plan their digital marketing strategies efficiently. Whether it is a launch of a new digital ad campaign or perhaps sending out a targeted email campaign, having everything organized is extremely essential. Furthermore, having a digital marketing calendar is absolutely necessary with all the important dates. This will help teams keep track of every activity on a daily and weekly basis, especially when teams are working remotely. Additionally, several digital marketing tools have built-in calendar functions that allow users to plan and schedule content that includes essential features such as Outlook and Gmail integrations.

    Construct a Content Library

    By interviewing employees in the marketing team, it is possible to know their subject-wise skills on different topics and use them to create blogs, eBooks, white papers, and more. Over time, teams must align this content with the marketing strategy and promote it across all the digital marketing platforms used by their organization. While building an initial repository of content, teams gain the advantages of accessing the material that can be used sometime later in other campaigns and balance other marketing efforts. This helps in reducing the burden of creating new content for a campaign.

    Also Read: Digital Marketing – The Cornerstone of Businesses in the Crisis Period

    Delegate Tasks

    CMOs must always delegate tasks to ensure smooth functioning across the organization. Also, they must try to identify the strengths of every employee and capitalize on them. The teams need to set realistic goals and work together to manage tasks more effectively. By delegating tasks, team members can brush up on their skills they lack and discuss ways to improve.

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