Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2024 – Part 1

    Digital Marketing Trends

    Every year, new and innovative digital trends establish the groundwork for the future of marketing. In fact, the digital marketing trends in 2024 are expected to be some of the most disruptive ever.

    For the past decade, the world has revolved around tech. This is because rapid advancements and upgrades have been at the heart of all industries’ growth and innovation.

    Likewise, digital marketing is continuously growing and evolving, but some significant changes are expected in 2024. Brands must not only plan for the future of digital marketing but also be ready to use it effectively.

    Top digital marketing trends to watch in 2024

    VR will Continue to Rise 

    As markets become more consumer-driven, brands must continue adopting experiential marketing approaches to stand out in a competitive marketplace.

    With VR, brands can now provide customers with a better understanding of a service or a product by bringing it directly to their homes with just a few clicks.

    Instead of expecting people to travel, VR allows brands to hold virtual conferences, trade exhibitions, seminars, and other events.

    As per recent statistics by Zippia, there are an estimated 171 million VR users worldwide.

    In 2024, marketers must consider these technologies as they are highly impactful and an excellent alternative to traditional advertising.

    This is because it helps implore the emotional side of the target audience, boosting loyalty and customer lifetime value.

    One such example would be GlaxoSmithKline’s “Excedrin: The Migraine Experience campaign.” The company used the VR headset that replicated some of the effects of a migraine, including blind spots, auras, sensitivity to light, and a thumping headache.

    The headset was then handed over to the non-migraine-sufferer to experience a migraine without the pain.

    Video Marketing

    Brands that effectively use short-form videos, live streaming, and interactive content will be able to communicate their brand messages engagingly and dynamically.

    As per a recent report by Wyzowl, “The State of Video Marketing 2023,”

    • 91% of businesses used video as a marketing tool in 2023
    • 96% continue to value video as an ‘important part’ of their marketing strategy

    In 2024, brands must continue to feature videos on their website and social media platforms to capture attention and boost user engagement with the content. This kind of visibility increases traffic. It also enables potential customers to discover and explore the brand and its offerings.

    More importantly, video marketing allows brands to showcase their products and services to customers-

    • who do not speak the language
    • have varying literacy levels, or
    • prefer a visual way of communication

    Influencer Marketing 

    As per a recent report by Linqia, “The State of Influencer Marketing 2023,”

    • 5% of respondents’ budgets either increased or remained unchanged vs. the prior year, with 18% spending seven figures or more on influencer marketing in 2023.
    • Brands want to leverage AI to find the right influencers better.

    Building a community of influencers means creating genuine relationships between the brand and influencers based on shared values. Collaborating with subject matter experts to produce compelling content and market the products or services will help reach the target audience effectively.

    The influencers not only help create content but are also invested in the success of content distribution. Connecting trusted industry voices with brand messaging can boost leadership and credibility.

    AI will be widely used in everything from performance influencer marketing to influencer identification. This way, brands only pay for conversions and sales influencers produced in this predictive AI-powered model, which looks good for the ROI.

    In 2024, brands must continue to connect with influencers to collaborate on content, video conversations, virtual events, and ideas that will help validate key leadership messages of the brand.

    Sustainable and Ethical Marketing

    A rise in sustainability initiatives and ethical practices has proliferated the need for sustainable and ethical marketing. At the same time, customers like to partner with brands that have strong environmental values.

    Sustainable marketing means building and promoting products that have less negative impacts on the environment. Ethical marketing means promoting products and services honestly, transparently, and responsibly.

    As per a report by NTT Data, “2023 Global Customer Experience Report,”

    • 93% of brands require new vendors to adhere to prescribed sustainability credentials.
    • 94% are educating their employees about sustainability to ensure their buy-in.

    Also read: Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2024 – Part 2


    Brands operating in a rapidly growing industry must know all major market trends and dynamics to profit from the latest market developments.

    In 2024, brands must continue to adopt sustainable and ethical marketing strategies to showcase eco-friendly initiatives.

    To boost the efforts, brands must actively incorporate sustainable practices, support social causes, and validate their purpose. Brands embodying sustainability can attract and retain a loyal and socially conscious customer base.

    Overall, brands that adapt to these above trends will meet the expectations of their target audience. This way, they can position themselves for sustained success in the evolving marketing world.

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    Apoorva Kasam
    Apoorva Kasam is a Global News Correspondent with TalkCMO. She has done her master's in Bioinformatics and has 18 months of experience in clinical and preclinical data management. She is a content-writing enthusiast, and this is her first stint writing articles on business technology. She specializes in marketing technology, data-driven marketing. Her ideal and digestible writing style displays the current trends, efficiencies, challenges, and relevant mitigation strategies businesses can look forward to. She is looking forward to exploring more technology insights in-depth.