Three Ways to Center Your Business Around Customer Experience

    Three Ways to Center Your Business Around Customer Experience-01

    With digitalization becoming the primary source to reach out to customers, it is crucial that CMOs center their business around customer experience.

    Customer experience has been the biggest trend in recent times. With a focus on going digital and reliance on omnichannel presence, it is only gaining momentum with each passing day. In fact, 80% of the survey respondents of Salesforce 2018 “State of the Connected Customer” research stated that experience with an organization holds the same importance as it does with products. For them, it is less about better features or slicker UI and more about the ability to do business with the organization. Most customers admit that being valued, appreciating them as people and not just a contribution entity to the bottom line.

    Understanding its impact on the overall business, the board of directors should put a great emphasis on customer experience. CMOs should collaborate with them to create better strategies that will enable them to create better experiences for their customers. If the brand is not able to achieve the same level of success as competitors, then they should look at the following reasons:

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    • Making it easy for customers to do business with the brand

    Since customer experience depends on the understanding of people, CMOs should take time to dig deep about their customer expectations, their needs and provide them solutions that they did not realize existed in the first place. They should strive to create a good experience that is less about the big ‘wow’ moments and more about the minute details that are often overlooked. Brands should make their customers be dependent upon them while making it easy for the customers.

    Another way to build trust with the customers is focusing the efforts to proactively identify and resolve customer issues instead of waiting for customers to reach out to the brand. This will also lead to customers being brand advocates that can enable CMOs to increase satisfaction, revenue and loyalty.

    • Understanding the costumes and their needs

    With any customer experience initiative, especially with digital transformation initiatives, CMOs should understand its impact on customers. They should identify where the silos are, where they are losing insights into the customer journey, and the gaps between data sharing and customers.

    CMOs should take the help of buyer persona as their strategic tool that can help to provide an in-depth understanding of customers, their needs, and how they interact with organizations across all touch points. Additionally, sharing insights across the organization can help teams to take strategic steps towards enhancing the customer experience.

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    • Establishing a customer-obsessed culture

    The last puzzle piece to make the customer experience centered around the business is driving cultural change. While it is easy to state that an organization is customer-obsessed, it is an entirely different story when building the right strategies and mechanisms to reinforce and strengthen the required customer focus.

    Brands should commit to building the customer-obsessed culture by investing in the right technology to help the customer become customer-centric. They should ensure that the message for the customers is personalized. Additionally, brands should have employees in their team that collaborate together to deliver a consistent experience.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.