Three Ways to Boost Personalization with Marketing Automation

    Three Ways to Boost Personalization with Marketing Automation

    People are becoming accustomed to automated life and experiences as technology continues to take over their lives. Marketing, on the other hand, still has a touch of personalization that customers would want and appreciate. This is something that would appeal to everyone.

    Marketers have been able to transcend strategies that they believed would be tried and tested for years due to the current boom in technology. Instead of spending hours going through data and directly contacting consumers, marketers can now acquire the information they need in seconds to improve a customer’s experience.

    Customer personalization has become one of the most significant elements in a marketer’s toolbox because of automation. According to “The Ultimate Marketing Automation Stats“, marketing automation is presently used by 56% of businesses. The technology is expected to be used by 40% of B2B enterprises.

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    Here’s how marketers can leverage automation to improve their consumers’ personal experiences.

    Engage on-site

    On-site personalization is an excellent approach to demonstrate to customers that marketers care about them and want them to be satisfied. Many customers like it when they visit a website that appears to respond to their actions.

    Installing a smart exit pop-up on a website to attract readers with one more offer before they go is a frequent marketing strategy. The automated technology monitors the user’s mouse movement and, if they look to be about to leave the website, a pop-up will show on the screen encouraging them to register for the email list or maybe offering them an exclusive limited-time deal.

    Conditional logic can also be used in exit pop-ups to retain customers on the website. If someone visits the website and reads one blog article but does not sign up for the email list, an exit pop-up will appear when they try to leave. This is an opportunity to inform consumers that marketers maintain their website and/or give out special offers on a regular basis and that they don’t want them to miss out.

    Show customers things that are related to their interests

    If marketers use market automation software, it will assist them in displaying advertisements to customers as well as sending them emails and messages. If the software is one of the finest, it will send ads and emails about topics that prospects are interested in. They can also show consumers advertisements for items that complement the ones they are purchasing or contemplating purchasing. This will improve personalization by giving them the impression that the company understands them better than they envisioned.

    Make it to their inbox

    Targeted marketing revolutionized everything when marketers realized they could automatically filter their lead lists and deliver personalized emails to individual clients. Since then, a lot has changed.

    Email automation is now more popular than ever. Marketers may leverage their customers’ inboxes in a variety of ways to boost their feeling of customization. Marketers, for example, can send simple reminders to clients depending on their interactions with their websites.

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    Abandoned cart emails are among the most common ways to entice people to return to a website after they have left. If a consumer added things to their cart but left the store without completing a purchase before receiving an abandoned cart email, marketers had to take comfort in the fact that they would return to finish the transaction. This tiny hint could just be what the visitor needs to return and complete their transaction.

    Email reminders that are sent automatically don’t have to end there. Customers who opened earlier marketing emails but did not click on the link might receive repeated reminders from marketers. This straightforward retargeting strategy may aid marketers in boosting conversions and keeping customers engaged with their brand.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain