Three Ways Marketers Can Drive More Organic Search Engine Traffic

    Search Engine

    According to Internet Live Stats, there are 200 million active websites most of which are looking to grow their reach by generating organic search engine traffic. With such a large volume of competition, it is imperative to take the focus beyond the traditional sources of keyword inspiration.

    Data also suggests that while average website visitors leave a webpage in less than 20 seconds, ensuring they stay longer on a web page is crucial for increased conversions. The going is not easy, and that is what is indicated by a report from says that only about 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.

    An Oracle study found that 74% of top executives consider customer experience an important factor that affects their willingness to be a loyal advocate. Issues like long page load time, irresponsive design, broken and dead links are the basics that are not generally sorted as early as they should.

    Some tips for enhanced customer experience, retention, and conversions from the website include:

    Automated Marketing

    Email marketing and traditional newsletters are still important, and the ability to capture more data has enabled B2B marketers to get smarter with targeting users in the inbox. In the biggest new trend in email marketing for B2B businesses is marketing automation. In conjunction with the CRM, it enables enterprises to automatically send highly targeted personalised emails to leads. A good example is of Thomson Reuters, whose revenue increased by 172% after applying a marketing automation solution.

    Content Marketing

    According to a HubSpot research in 2018, 55% of marketers feel their blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. Data also suggests that the B2B companies that blogged over 11 times in a month had almost three times more traffic compared to the ones blogging 0-1 times per month.  In fact, 96% of B2B buyers want content with more inputs from industry Thought Leaders.

    A good content marketing strategy requires a high degree of diversity and experimentation to understand where the biggest growth opportunities are for the business. The enterprises can take any of the two approaches, of following the trends and basically doing what everyone else is doing or being a contrarian marketer and doing exactly the opposite of what other marketers are focusing on.

    Whether it is by using microsites, research reports, blogs or infographics, it is important to test what works to gradually refine the lead generation over time.

    Demand Generation

    According to the Demand Generation Benchmark Survey, 2018, 70% of marketers say their demand generation budgets will increase, and 34% of these said that their spending would also grow by more than 20%. But spend is not only the criterion- experts believe that getting the right keywords for appearing in the first page in Google search has become a lot harder than it was 5-10 years ago.

    Almost 80% of B2B marketers still credit email as the most effective distribution channel for demand generation efforts. Email marketing is one the online marketing channels that stood the test of time. Even at the ripe old age of 23 years, email still bags the top spot on many B2B marketers’ lists of B2B lead generation strategies.

    Another important factor that marketers must consider is the online forms. It is these forms that separate active leads from non-leads, and have a huge impact on lead generation results and conversion rates. An optimised lead generation form generates thrice the leads for one third of the cost per leads.

    Generating a qualified B2B SEO traffic is not “easy,” and it does require a lot more research, strategy, content creation and promotion, than it did as recently as a few years ago.

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    Meeta Ramnani
    As a Senior Editor with Ondot Media, Meeta has the onus of developing credible content after collating inputs and opinions from global leadership teams – on enterprise and marketing technologies. She creates articles, interviews, and blogs from inputs of global CXOs, and ensures each article meets the challenge of interesting content, very interestingly written. An avid bike rider, Meeta, is a postgraduate from Indian Institute of Journalism and New Media (IIJNM) Bangalore, where her specialization was Business Journalism. She carries four years of experience in mainstream print media where she worked as a correspondent with The Times Group and Sakal Media Group in Pune.