Three Ways B2B Marketers Can Make the Buyer Decision-Making Process Easier

    Three Ways B2B Marketers Can Make the Buyer Decision-Making Process Easier

    From big strategic plans to hiring a new employee, people in the modern world are continually faced with the challenge of choice and the need to find solutions. This also applies to the audience, who must choose one option from a crowded marketplace consisting of enterprises utilizing similar marketing methods and key messages to best meet their demands.

    The best method to eliminate the burden of choice for consumers is to communicate the key messages effectively – and in the proper manner. Being able to accomplish this and reach the right target with the right messaging at the right time enables enterprises to differentiate themselves from their competitors and gain a significant competitive edge. To do so, B2B marketers must be willing to question the traditional approach to how customers make decisions and change their behaviors to reflect new marketing methods effectively.

    Aggressive sales approaches are no longer practical. Instead, modern marketers serve as instructors and guides, assisting sales teams in resolving their prospects’ challenges. For example, a standard sales pitch assumes that customers approach their challenges logically. On the other hand, marketers can activate both the rational and emotional sides of the brain when they grasp and use fundamental cognitive approaches to proposals. Merely displaying the features of a solution or a product isn’t enough to get people to act. Instead, marketers must create an environment that encourages consumers to engage in the behavior they wish.

    The Visual Factor

    Humans process visual data faster than any other type of data. Traditional content delivery methods have never been particularly successful, with just a tiny fraction of individuals ready to read text on a page. This indicates that when a company informs its audience about a product solely through text, only a tiny portion of the information is actually received.

    This is in sharp contrast to when content is delivered in visual media and not just images. People are more inclined to watch the video sent to them, and they remember what they see. The ability to swiftly skim through videos and images enables viewers to understand what interests them before going in for a closer look.

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    Personalization is a powerful tool for marketers because it eliminates information overload, decreases friction in the buyer journey, and tailors the message to the intended audience.

    Viewers don’t have to comb through irrelevant information when content is tailored because the most crucial details have already been picked out for them. Personalizing content delivery to a whole email list is a mountain of effort, but if marketers automate this activity, they can get all of the benefits of sending unique content without the hassle of modifying content for hundreds or even thousands of individuals.

    Customers are drawn to content created just for them and including their names instead of generic information.

    The Format of Delivering the Message

    People need to feel in charge of their own behaviors and interests, and how companies communicate the message is possibly even more essential than the content itself. And that is where autonomy comes into play. But marketers need them to read their content, so how can they help the audience feel in charge of the process?

    For example, traditional formats, such as PDFs, provide a very linear reading experience. Viewers must scroll till they reach the finish to make progress. There are no additional options available to the reader. Static scrolling documents dictate the reader’s journey. As a result, they are essentially unable to satisfy the demand for autonomy.

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    When the audience believes the brand has complete control and not them, it will always be a barrier when the brand wants its target audience to decide. The audience is given more choice and flexibility to engage on their own terms when content is delivered in an interactive style, which meets their need to make independent judgments.

    Brands and marketers must understand and apply some of the behavioral science that drives content engagement and influences buyer decisions. Then they can provide facts in a style that helps their audience comprehend how their solution can fix their problem and direct them to take action with their company.

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    Prangya Pandab
    Prangya Pandab is an Associate Editor with OnDot Media. She is a seasoned journalist with almost seven years of experience in the business news sector. Before joining ODM, she was a journalist with CNBC-TV18 for four years. She also had a brief stint with an infrastructure finance company working for their communications and branding vertical.