Three Video Marketing Trends to Watch out in 2022

With Video taking the center of attention of today’s customers, CMOs should follow and keep up with the latest trends in the digital space. 

Today’s top form of online content, Video, has become an imperative for B2B organizations. It has become increasingly crucial for today’s marketing strategies. In fact, as per Wyzowl’s “The State of Video Marketing 2021,” 86% of businesses showed that they use Video as an integral part of their marketing tool. Additionally, 93% of the respondents stated that video marketing had become a crucial part of their strategy.

One of the key aspects to note is that brands are not just incorporating just for the sake of it. Today’s buyers, irrespective of B2C and B2B, increasingly prefer Video over other forms of marketing to make an informed decision. The same report for Wyzowl found that 84% of the customers have been convinced to make their buying decisions after watching a video. Given its increasing popularity and influence over the buying process, CMOs should make themselves aware of the latest trends to utilize video marketing to its extent. Here are a few of them that CMOs should keep an out heading in 2022:

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  • Highly interactive customer experiences that can be recorded and repurposed will take center stage for marketing.

Until recently, marketing was primarily driven by the attention economy; meaning initiatives were primarily focused on driving awareness and generating demand by fighting and winning customers’ attention. However, the current marketing landscape has changed. As per Jennifer Burak, VP of Marketing, Socialive, Now, the marketing landscape is rapidly evolving in response to consumer platforms like Instagram, Twitch and TikTok. These have led to the ascent of a new “creator economy” where the ongoing creation of authentic video content is ubiquitous. Just as Twitch captures the spirit of live Video and makes it available on-demand, today’s consumers want similar experiences from their brand interactions.”

Jennifer believes brands will increasingly adapt to this shifting demand. She believes traditional touch points will no longer suffice. “I predict that 2022 will be the year where CMOs and heads of marketing refocus their efforts on creating highly interactive, live customer experiences that will be recorded and repurposed for on-demand content, including snackable clips.” said Jennifer Burak. She further added, “Humans are inherently drawn to the authenticity of a live experience, even if we’re not watching it in real-time. Digital customer experiences will need to be done in a way that inspires, engages and invites interaction that is much more dynamic, so consumers and businesses can take the authenticity of their video experiences to the next level.”

  • Self-serve video content creation will become the primary way Video is created in the enterprise.

Today’s marketers have found Video to be a much efficient means to engage external audiences of prospects, customers as well as partners. With the demand for authentic video increases, CMOs will need to empower their marketing professionals to easily produce, broadcast as well as distribute studio-quality video content at the enterprise level.

I predict that video content creation will become fully democratized in 2022 through self-serve video technology. Every marketing professional will become empowered to create high-quality video content — regardless of their experience, expertise or location,” added Jennifer Burak.

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  • To meet the demand for Video, enterprises will slash their video tech stack and consolidate into all-in-one video content creation, broadcasting and distribution solutions.

The present video technology ecosystem is crowded with so many different technologies as well as tools, enterprise marketers are left wondering what meets their needs. As per Jennifer Burak, the complexity of these solutions has made creating authentic, high-quality video content a time-consuming, high-cost process reserved for video professionals.In 2022, enterprises will move away from expensive niche solutions for hosting, managing, and distributing videos the traditional way and which require full production teams, post-production studios, and extensive editing technology. Instead, I anticipate that organizations will evaluate and increasingly use all-in-one, cloud-based solutions that make the video content creation process not only massively easier and faster but also infinitely scalable, with broadcasting and distribution capabilities built right in,” said Jennifer Burak.

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