Three Strategies for Effective B2B Influencer Marketing

    Three Strategies for Effective B2B Influencer Marketing-01

    In today’s omnichannel environment where digital content reigns supreme, CMOs should give serious consideration to their B2B influencer marketing strategies.

    Influencer marketing has proven itself one of the most successful avenues to promote a company’s products and services. In fact, as per TopRank Marketing “2020 State of B2B Influencer Marketing” report, 74% of marketers agree that influencer marketing improves the prospect and customer experience with the brand. While its success is mostly synonymous with B2C due to the impact and conversion it delivers, B2B organizations can also capitalize on it.

    It is easier to think that influencer marketing will not yield the desired success with B2B marketing campaigns as it often brings to mind consumer-focused marketing content. While B2B brands cannot use influencer marketing the same way B2C brands do, it can significantly enhance their overall marketing strategy.

    Here are four things that brands should know about B2B Influencer Marketing:

    • Understanding the value of expertise

    Most B2B buyers are experts in their field. Hence, there’s a little chance they will seek out influencers with hundreds and thousands of followers to determine the programs, software, services, or equipment they use. But, there’s a high probability the opinions of experts will matter to them.

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    CMOs should immerse themselves in the target audience they want to reach while using B2B influencer marketing. This will enable them to understand whose opinions matter most to their audience. Before seeking out influencers who do not know about the business, brands should first take a look at their current advocates. While they may not have the followers count to be considered for potential influencers, CMOs can be certain that the lower followers count has the right connection.

    • Exchange value for gaining traction

    In most cases, the advocates and influencers will share their thoughts and opinions towards a brand without any exchange of value. However, offering value in return for exposure can significantly impact the business. While monetary compensation is huge, brands should offer something that they can report on while learning more about the brand. Free attendance at a conference, access to a new service or products in advance, invitations to focus groups, or brainstorming sessions can give them opinions on their forthcoming to the brand.

    • Knowing the most used B2B customer touch points

    Making assumptions about a particular platform to achieve the B2B marketing campaign success is not enough. CMOs should take into account that while their target audience may be more likely to buy their offerings during their working hour, they do also spend significant time on other social media platforms throughout the day. In fact, in many instances, it can be other platforms where the most valuable influencer can yield better results.

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    CMOs should also take into account the content shared by the influencer based on their geographical location. This is due to the fact that the relationship between the influencer and the prospects and customers varies.

    • Increasing their time horizon

    When compared to B2C, B2B purchasing decisions are much larger. The time investment, choice to buy new software or equipment needs more research, a bigger budget, and in many cases, inclusion of multiple stakeholders. Therefore, CMOs should be flexible about the time frame as it may take much longer time.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.