Three Strategies for B2B Marketers to Capitalize on Emotions

    Three Strategies for B2B Marketers to Capitalize on Emotions-01

    Surviving in today’s dynamic B2B marketplace requires B2B marketers to use effective emotions to connect with their customers.

    When creating any campaign for a B2B audience, most B2B marketers still create messages that are strongly product and organization-focused. However, when doing so, they leave a critical part to infuse within their messaging; emotions. This is primarily because most B2B marketers are still under the impression that emotional marketing is vital for B2C marketers and not B2B. They still view their audience as a corporation rather than individual. However, moving forward, operating with these traditional marketing strategies will make it difficult for B2B marketers to effectively capitalize on today’s B2B marketing strategy.

    Research from Google, in collaboration with CEB, revealed that B2B customers are significantly more emotionally connected to their vendors and service providers than consumers. Hence, today’s B2B marketers, instead of refraining from emotions, must create content and tailor the messages that actively evoke them.

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    Here are a few strategies that B2B marketers can incorporate to capitalize on emotions:

    Invoke a sense of pride

    The B2B customers often take a long time before finalizing their decisions. This is primarily since making any B2B is often a risky endeavor. Hence, most people involved in the buying decision expect to know that there are rewards to effectively balance the risk.

    Creating campaigns that let them know how the product will help them generate cost savings, integrate with their systems without any hurdles, or comply with regulatory requirements does not have a positive appeal. Instead, B2B marketers should concentrate on how a relationship with their business will boost their careers, enable them to generate a sense of personal pride while ultimately transforming the company, the entire industry, or society at large.

    Produce positive emotions

    While on their journey to leverage emotions, B2B marketers may often fall off the track. Instead of inciting emotions that appeal to customers, they may end up invoking the ones that may repeal them or can further their distance from the respective entity.

    B2B marketers should ensure that they invoke positive emotions that focus on providing a sense of safety, being cared for, trust, and a legitimate interest to meet the desired needs of the customers. Such sentiments are often more effective in generating leads and brand awareness. B2B marketers must show their audience how they can avoid risk or threats with the help of products or solutions of the business.

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    Let the customers know that they are the part of tribe

    Regardless of B2B or B2C, audiences feel great when they know their voices are being heard. This makes it easier for B2B marketers to gather more information. Also, feedback from B2B audiences can enable marketers to shape their offerings. One way to do this is for B2B marketers to provide their customers with ‘backstage pass’ to the latest features or behind-the-scenes content whenever possible. This way, customers will be better able to give feedback on the product and services and feel more aligned with the respective vendors.

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    Vishal Muktewar
    Vishal Muktewar is a Senior Correspondent at On Dot Media. He reports news that focuses on the latest trends and innovations happening in the B2B industry. An IT engineer by profession, Vishal has worked at Insights Success before joining Ondot. His love for stories has driven him to take up a career in enterprise journalism. He effectively uses his knowledge of technology and flair for writing, for crafting features, articles and interactions for technology enterprise media platforms.