Three Significant Obstacles to Omnichannel Marketing and How to Address Them


    The connotation of an omnichannel strategy is evolving since it is no longer merely a blueprint for major enterprises and multibillion-euro companies to follow. Businesses today must excel in order to be competitive; having a website and providing average customer service is no longer sufficient.

    Customers today need a seamless omnichannel experience, round-the-clock customer support, and personalized communication. Firms that don’t meet these requirements will fall behind. Another company is always only a click away for the customer.

    An omnichannel strategy is increasingly taking hold as the norm in the current environment. According to Coresight research titled “Omnichannel in Europe today,” 74% of retailers have either started working on their omnichannel strategy or have already put it into practice. Companies that have not yet begun to consider an omnichannel strategy are moving slowly.

    Managing and evaluating a complicated network of channels in omnichannel marketing can be challenging. Handling multiple channels has a number of drawbacks, including information silos, technological difficulties, consistency between channels, user privacy, and fraud. Following are a few of them.

    Also Read: How B2B Marketers can Strategize B2B Omnichannel Marketing

    Improper use of user information

    When a user interacts with a brand, a data trail is left behind, including contact information like email addresses, phone numbers, and addresses. Neustar estimates that 60% of this data will be outdated in two years. Data is rendered obsolete by the fact that 37% of people in the US alone change their contact information every year. The teams in charge of the numerous channels and systems are also disjointed. Disparate systems and outdated data may hamper the best possible use of user data.

    An effective omnichannel marketing plan requires a 360-degree perspective of clients and prospects. To ensure that their marketing efforts are not in vain, marketers must find duplicate, outdated, and incomplete data and fix it. Additionally, they must make sure that all user-related data marketers get is accessible in a single system so that their sales and marketing teams can share it and collaborate to present customers with offers that are pertinent to them.

    User authentication

    Marketers must be able to recognize phony data when gathering it in order to remove it from their analytics. Additionally, marketers need to have a strong customer identification strategy to monitor a user throughout their cross-channel journey. However, given how frequently clients switch between channels, that is a complex process.

    Businesses that are able to successfully integrate several data sources with various data kinds pertaining to a specific customer can establish cross-channel IDs. Marketers must use cloud-based micro service architecture and service integration layers that support data orchestration and integration in order to accomplish this.

    Also Read: Why is Omnichannel Marketing a Game-Changer in E-commerce?

    The sales and marketing staff works in silos

    Silos between departments are a problem for many businesses; most employees think their teams don’t collaborate sufficiently. These team splits, meanwhile, typically have a positive origin. Members of the sales team have distinct specialties and areas of interest from those on the marketing team. These individuals are carefully vetted and hired to advance business in both a sales and marketing role. As consumers increasingly engage in a more omnichannel experience, they enter the sales funnel through a variety of channels, potentially even more than one. However, they still anticipate a linear path of communication from the company. Segmented messaging from the sales and marketing team is ineffective for the company and gives customers a depressing and unfavorable experience.

    For an effective omnichannel marketing solution, it is now more important than ever to have a sales and marketing team that is aligned with a unified, coherent plan.

    Clear communication throughout the entire organization is the first step in combating organizational silos. But in most cases, it’s much simpler said than accomplished.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain