Three Practices to Capitalize on the Power of Personalization

    Power of Personalization
    Three Practices to Capitalize on the Power of Personalization

    Today’s marketing is about building a customer experience, not just connecting people with messages about items or services they are interested in. Customers’ need for personalized and meaningful experiences stays at the forefront as new tools and technology emerge.

    Striking for customization not only leads to closer customer interactions but also leads to better business results. While incorporating personalization into the marketing approach is crucial for success, it may be a daunting task.

    According to Transform Your Personalization Strategy At Forrester’s Consumer Marketing Forum, 89% of digital organizations invest in personalization.

    Here are a few ways how marketers can use personalization to their advantage.

    Exploit social media

    According to “How much time do business decision-makers spend on Facebook?” by Meta, B2B decision-makers spend almost 74% more time on Facebook than other users, substantiating that social media isn’t only for customers. Marketers must ensure that interactions are monitored regardless of platform.

    Marketers must reply to questions on social media, and deal with criticism or complaints immediately and gently. Marketers should show disgruntled consumers that they care — doing so on social media demonstrates to potential customers that marketers care about making people happy with their products and services.

    Inquire about the user’s background

    Customers are unlikely to give up personal information willingly unless they know exactly what they will get in return. On the other hand, most individuals are eager to provide personal information to better their experience with a service or a product. Meanwhile, the more marketers can customize their business to meet the wants of their customers, the happier they will be, resulting in a better lifetime value. The more a consumer realizes that the product or service they are receiving is tailored to their personal requirements, the less likely they are to contemplate moving to another product that does not likely know them as well.

    Also Read: Leveraging Personalization to Boost Customer Loyalty and Conversions

    Better yet, through their relationship with a consumer and the data they gather about their usage and activities, marketers may learn to know a customer over time. This presents a huge entry barrier for any competitor because the data can only be obtained through a considerable financial and time investment on the part of the client. Some competitors may fight with more extraordinary war chests, but marketers will benefit from the fact that they cannot purchase time’s learnings and data. Because this may significantly influence customer attrition, it is frequently worthwhile to obtain information from consumers, even if it may have a short-term detrimental impact on conversions. In reality, the significant increase in long-term worth will nearly always surpass it.

    After the sale

    Personalization in B2B does not end with the sale. Marketers must continue their efforts after the sale in order to convert purchasers into advocates. After the transaction, marketers must send a thank-you email and a follow-up email a week later to check how the consumer is doing and offer assistance if necessary.

    Marketers should continue to exhibit compassion and establish solid connections by providing educational information, events, and suggestions tailored particularly to the clients and their requirements. Marketers should not neglect to display their individuality as well. They may make videos that illustrate their organization, culture, and personnel for social media and their website. Marketers should allow people to learn more about the firm. People want to do business with brands they are familiar with.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain