Three Pillars of Developing an Efficient MarTech Stack


    Modern enterprises have multiple applications and tools seamlessly integrated into their MarTech stack to accomplish their business goals. Enterprises need to focus on developing a MarTech stack that focuses on delivering desired results rather than focus on quality

    Many CMOs today consider more is better and integrate all the latest tools into their tech stack to streamline their marketing operations. However, integrating multiple advanced tools does not ensure their teams are making the most of their investments. CMOs should have the most effective marketing tech stack and processes to increase the ROI and efficient allocation of resources. Enterprises need to focus on developing a MarTech stack that focuses on delivering desired results rather than focus on quality. It is crucial to develop a marketing technology stack based on the total addressable market, the organization’s customer experience goals, and the budgets allocated to develop, upgrade, and maintain the tech stack.

    Also Read: Strategies to ensure MarTech stack success

    Here are a few pillars of an efficient MarTech stack that CMOs can consider while developing their IT infrastructure:

    Integrate purpose-driven tools into the technology stack

    Organizations today are exploring opportunities to automate and streamline most of their marketing operations. Moreover, presales teams also need real-time feedback in their workflows to make data-driven decisions to ensure marketing campaigns’ success. CMOs should consider developing a robust marketing technology stack that enables their teams to eliminate repetitive, tedious tasks to accomplish their business goals quickly.

    The presales decision-makers should integrate tools that strengthen their marketing efforts and design and implement hyper-targeted campaigns that help them to increase the conversion rate and higher ROI.

    Before organizations embark on a journey to develop a MarTech stack should determine their long-term and short-term goals before they get lured by any new tools available in the market. For instance, if enterprises aim to enhance their personalization strategies while interacting with customers, they need to integrate effective data analytics tools to get valuable customer insights. CMOs should consider evaluating their organizational goals regularly to ensure the MarTech stack enables them to accomplish their current goals and determine what other changes can be made to address the presales gaps. Aligning the Marketing technology stack with the organization’s goals is one of the most effective ways to increase the ROI.

    Develop a MarTech stack that aligns with the marketing operations

    While developing an efficient presales tech stack, organizations need to interact with the entire marketing teams to understand the opportunities and gaps in their work processes. It is crucial to understand the challenges of the entire team in accomplishing their daily tasks, including data maintenance, segmenting the target audience, developing personalized content, and campaign templates to streamline their workflows. Business leaders should educate the entire workforce on the capabilities of the MarTech stack and how it can be leveraged to improve the presales operations. Moreover, CMOs need to integrate scalable and reliable tools in their presales technology stack that adapts to the business needs and grows with it.

    Also Read: Partnerships with IT and Security is Critical to Drive Secure Martech Stack

    Integrate the marketing tools based on the presales priorities

    Developing a MarTech stack that streamlines the entire operations at the same time can be a daunting task for the teams. CMOs should consider evaluating their entire operations to spot the marketing aspects that need immediate attention and integrate the tools accordingly to streamline their operations. Marketing teams need to have a holistic inventory view of all the tools and applications in their marketing technology stack in real-time. Marketing teams need to analyze every tool’s performance and its capabilities to achieve the marketing objectives while developing and upgrading the MarTech stack.

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    Nikhil Sonawane
    Nikhil Sonawane is a Tech Journalist with TalkCMO. He has 4+ years of technical expertise in drafting content strategies for MarTech, Marketing Automation, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM). His Commitment to ongoing learning and improvement helps him to deliver thought-provoking insights and analysis on complex technologies and tools that are revolutionizing modern enterprises. He brings his eye for editorial detail and keen sense of language skills to every article he writes. If he is not working, he will be found on treks, walking in forests, or swimming in the ocean.