Three Major Roadblocks to Scaling Personalization

    Three Major Roadblocks to Scaling Personalization-01

    Advances in technology, data collecting, and analysis are allowing marketers to create increasingly more personalized and relevant experiences at every stage of the customer journey. As a result, today’s tech-savvy and empowered customers want seamless and tailored customer experiences.

    Personalization across all channels is important to a company’s success. Furthermore, brands now have more customer data than at any other time in history. Customers interact with most digitally progressive brands across many digital and physical touch points, all of which provide signals and data points that can be used to power a personalization strategy. Despite this wealth of information and a strong desire to succeed, personalization attempts have run into several recurring roadblocks.

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    Here are the three largest roadblocks to brands achieving full personalization:

    Organizational Silos

    The inability to access data is one of the most significant obstacles for organizations wanting to adopt fully realized one-to-one personalization. Many forward-thinking businesses have dramatically increased their data collection efforts in recent years. As a result, much of the data needed to implement a scaled personalization strategy is already available, but many marketing teams’ silos make it difficult to even access-let alone develop- a unified perspective of the consumer.

    To accommodate new channels and objectives, today’s marketing teams are sometimes assembled piecemeal over a period of years. As a result, their data is collected and kept in a piecemeal form, dispersed across several systems, related to specific channels, and frequently controlled by various teams. This data siloing makes it difficult to convey consistent messaging across channels, which can lead to communication inconsistencies among teams as well as between brands and their customers.

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    While breaking down data silos is a big step forward, marketers still have a long way to go on the road to personalization. Even today, getting data into marketing platforms is quite tough. Many marketing systems were not designed to handle the volume of data required to accomplish a one-to-one personalization approach, and as a result, they are unable to handle the volume of corporate data or the complex ways in which it is presented. These technical limitations severely limit how brands can leverage the data they already have.

    Many of these issues are common among companies undergoing digital transformation. As data-driven growth plans become more critical to a company’s survival, it’s important to realize that a point solution built on cookie-cutter one-size-fits-all techniques can only get businesses so far. The most effective path to greatness is one that focuses on long-term goals while simultaneously demonstrating quick results.

    Innovation and Technology

    The third barrier to genuine one-to-one personalization for businesses is a little more difficult to overcome. Personalization technology has advanced fast in recent years, resulting in advances that have enabled many organizations to have a more unified customer picture. However, getting all the way will necessitate yet another technological leap. Businesses, in particular, will require the kind of next-generation AI technology that has only just begun to be explored.

    Future marketing technology should be scalable and adaptable enough to accommodate rapid expansion and predict new phases of digital transformation. Businesses anticipate that these next-generation solutions will place a greater emphasis on actionable insights based on a broader set of data inputs, such as real-time behavioral, product, historical, and deep content access.

    What comes next?

    Despite the obstacles, fully scaled one-to-one customization is on the verge of becoming a reality. Brands are becoming more aware of their organizational and technology difficulties and are taking steps to address them. The old channel-based silos are starting to crumble as marketing teams are restructured to reflect a more integrated approach to customer engagements.

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    Umme sutarwala
    Umme Sutarwala is a Global News Correspondent with OnDot Media. She is a media graduate with 2+ years of experience in content creation and management. Previously, she has worked with MNCs in the E-commerce and Finance domain